Beyond Wild Imaginings

Beyond Wild Imaginings by Brieanna Robertson Page B

Book: Beyond Wild Imaginings by Brieanna Robertson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brieanna Robertson
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    He remembered once when he’d been with Kelly as a child. After her friends had gone home, she had remained in her yard and had continued her adventures with him. She hadn’t been ready to let him return to his world. Her parents had let her play, but after a while, dark clouds had rolled in and rain began to pour down like the very heavens had opened up. Before her parents had run out and ushered her inside, he and Kelly had a moment to stand there and marvel over the danger and fantastic power of the storm. She’d reached up, taken his hand, and murmured, “I don’t know if there’s anything more perfect than this. I wish I never had to go back inside, or go to school. I wish I could just stay here with you forever.”
    He remembered her wild mane of strawberry-blonde hair and the way her green eyes looked up at him with such trust and adoration. She had made him feel so wanted. He’d had such a purpose back then, and he’d loved her. Loved her in the way a big brother would. She was all to him, his very life. He would have lay down his to save hers. It troubled him to see her the way she was now. Her eyes were still beautiful, but no longer brimming with vibrant life. They carried sorrow and weariness, defeat. The world had damaged his Kelly. Men like Roger and David, and even her own sister. They had chiseled pieces of her away. It killed him inside, stabbed like a thousand knives in his heart.
    With a heavy sigh, Garren turned from the window and paced restlessly around the living room. Kelly had gone to bed a few hours earlier after she had made him spaghetti. They’d shared conversation, but he felt awkward with her and didn’t really know why. He had been trapped in isolation for so long. Experiencing the gamut of emotions and trying to deal with things Kelly viewed as everyday occurrences were difficult for him. He did not understand his own feelings. They didn’t make sense to him, and it was frustrating. Before, he had known his purpose. Protect Kelly. That had been a lot easier when she had been a small child. Now she was a grown woman. A gorgeous and independent grown woman. If he had his way, he would go everywhere with her and knock anyone who even looked at her funny to kingdom come, but that wasn’t how things operated in her world. It would offend her if he behaved that way.
    His feelings toward Kelly confused him more than anything else. He had always loved her, but she had been a child. Now, she was anything but. He was a creature of thought. He didn’t age. His appearance had altered when he’d returned to Kelly, but his heart was the same, and his heart craved her. The instant she had made contact with him in her subconscious dreams, he had known something was different. He’d felt a change, a shift within himself. He’d attributed it to being ecstatic at the fact that he was being called back to the human realm after so long. He’d been elated at the thought of seeing his beautiful Kelly once again and had figured things would return to the way they had once been.
    Except everything was different, and he’d known it for certain the first time her eyes had locked with his. The feeling that had only been a stirring when she’d contacted him, in that moment, grew to an inferno. He had never felt his body burn before. His existence had been a relatively innocent one, but when she’d looked up at him, her green eyes full of awestruck wonder, he’d suddenly known what desire felt like. It washed over him in waves every time she came near him.
    It wasn’t just because she was beautiful, even though she was. It was the way she had so readily accepted him back into her life, the way she shared her world with him, the way she touched him. She’d needed him, and that was why he had returned, but he had never realized how much he needed her also. He’d been dormant for so long, isolated and forgotten. She made him feel things he’d never felt before, and it confused him beyond

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