Between Octobers Bk 1, Savor The Days Series
    Across the room, as I struggled to regain
composure from the unexpected assault, Evan seemed quite pleased
with himself. Of course, he had just polished off a pint of whisky,
so he had an excuse. Once my labored breathing leveled-off, I made
for the door.
    “I’ve wanted to do that since I saw you at
the bar.”
    “Good night, Evan.”
    Lily was babbling about something on the
news as I sat down beside her, taking in my surprise. Not at what
transpired, because that was totally my fault—I got too close—but
the way I felt about it. I didn’t want to push him away
    I’d been readily convinced that that part of
my life was over. No more butterflies for me. No longing glances
from devoted eyes, or cold nights spent curled up with someone to
keep my feet warm. I was alone and ready to deal with it. I’d only
gotten as far as I did because of the parameters of my carefully
prepared routines.
    Then he hit me with this curve ball!
That kiss . . . oh, that kiss .
It wasn’t like the other and I couldn’t ignore it. I should’ve been
angry. He had no right to touch me like that. I wanted to be mad.
Maybe I would have been if he hadn’t felt so good. What was he
doing to me?
    I coaxed the hairs on my arms down with my
fingers, thinking of his silken hands and rough touch, his
beautiful lips. “Evan kissed me.”
    The first time, Evan and I agreed it was a
mistake. It wasn’t going to happen again. I tried to forget,
telling myself it made no difference. No need to tell Lily.
    “Details!” She squealed, excitedly grinning,
and pulling her feet onto the couch to avoid Marcus’ head on the
    “Is he alright down there? That can’t be
    “He’s fine—tell me.”
    I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. “Well, I
showed Evan to the room, gave him some Gatorade and ibuprofen—”
    “Yeah, yeah, for the hangover. And . . . ?”
She muttered, cuing me to get to the good part.
    “Well, I was apologizing for getting them
wasted and he kissed my neck.”
    “He kissed your neck ?” Her eyebrows shot up.
    “Then my mouth. And put his hand up my
shirt.” My face was burning red.
    “Hmm . . . a boob man.” She smiled wickedly.
“What did you do?”
    “I got the heck outta there. But he did
mention something about seeing me at ‘the bar’?”
    “You met him in the elevator, right?”
    “Yeah,” I muttered.
    “Maybe he got you confused with someone
else. That would explain him being handsy.”
    I followed her as she got up. Along the way
to the kitchen, her comment sank in. I didn’t grumble like I wanted
because I was sure Evan knew who he was talking to and getting
upset over a simple comment seemed asinine. But it bothered me.
    “He knew who he was talking to.”
    Lily rolled her eyes. “Of course he did.”
Her version of a retraction.
    I poured a shot for us both after we cleared
away the traces of our impromptu party. When I knocked it back, my
thoughts wandered towards the guest bedroom. My lips tingled, my
mouth watered and burned.
    “Ugh, this is terrible.” Lily squinted,
leaning in. “So, you liked the kiss,” she surmised, and followed up
with a surprising question. “Why didn’t you let him feel you up?
Mama needs a little fun.”
    My shocked laugh startled us both. “Shoot! I
don’t know. It scared me. It’s been too long. And not long
    I touched my neck again and looked towards
the clump of flesh out cold on the family room floor. The volume of
his snore was escalating so I moseyed over and tucked a decorative
pillow under his head.
    Lily and I talked until the shot kicked in.
I gave her my bed and took the chaise.
    As I sat on the end, unfolding my blanket,
the feeling of Evan’s palm brushing sweetly against my bare skin
overwhelmed me. The feeling was so strong, like he was in the room
with me. The feeling evoked a strange anxiety, too—shock at being
touched with such familiarity—because his hands did not belong on
me. I curled up under

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