Between Giants
Sicherheitsdienst (Security Administration), German
Soviet High Command
Tevynes Apsaugas Rinktine (Fatherland Defence Force), Lithuanian
Tautos Darbo Apsauga (National Labour Service Battalion), Lithuanian

the German military intelligence branch
military concept centered on achievement of a mission, which allowed junior officers to take decisions, in contrast to older, more rigid command and control systems
volunteer military organisations assembled from former German army personnel in the Baltic States and Germany in the aftermath of the First World War
lit. ‘Jewish council’, the Jewish administrative body responsible for organising the Jewish communities in the occupied territories
Latvian youth organisation
Soviet youth organisation
Common abbreviation for the Reichsministerium für die besetzten Ostgebiete (‘Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories’)
Originally the Estonian ‘Home Guard’ after the First World War; re-established as a militia group after the German invasion in 1941
lit. ‘Thunder Cross’, a Latvian extreme nationalist group, with links to the RSHA and to Einsatzgruppe A
the headquarters of the non-combat elements of the SS, based in Berlin

    Archives and collections
    Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv, Freiburg
    Bundersarchiv, Berlin
    Dokumenti Vneshnei Politiki (Foreign Affairs Documents), Ministerstvo Inostrannyk Del Rossiiskoi Federatsii (Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation), Moscow
    Hoover Institution of War, Peace and Revolution Archive, Stanford, California
    Imperial War Museum, London
    Jewish Internet Consortium
    Latvijas Valsts Arhīvs (Latvian State Archive), Riga
    Latvijas Zinātņu Akadēmijas Centrālais Arhīvs (Central Archives of the Academy of Sciences, Latvia), Riga
    Records of the United States Senate, Washington DC
    Tsentralnyi Archiv Ministertsva Oborony (Central Archive of the Ministry of Defence), Moscow
    United States Library of Congress, Washington DC
    United States National Archives
    Journals, periodicals and newspapers
    Armor, Fort Benning, Georgia
    Baltic Defence Review, Tartu, Estonia
    Brīvā Zeme, Riga
    Central European History Journal, Cambridge University Press
    Europe-Asia Studies, Central and East European Studies, University of Glasgow
    Gazeta Kapitalist, Riga
    Genocidas ir Rezistencija, Lithuanian Genocide and Resistance Research Centre, Vilnius
    Journal of Baltic Studies, University of Washington, Seattle
    Land Warfare Papers, Institute of Land Warfare, Arlington, Virginia
    Military Review , Fort Leavenworth, Kansas
    Nash Sovremmenik , Moscow
    Nepriklausoma Lietuva (1943)
    Novaya e Novenshaya Istoriya , Moscow
    Otechestvennaya Istoriya , Moscow
    Svenska Dagbladet , Stockholm
    Time , New York
    Voenno-Istoricheskii Zhurnal , Moscow
    Books and articles
    Andersons, E., Siliņš, L. (eds) (2002) Latvija un Rietumi. Latviešu Nacionālā Pretestības Kustība 1943–1945 , Riga: Latvijas Universitātes žurnāla ‘Latvijas Vēsture’ fonds
    Angrick, A., Klein, P. (2009) The Final Solution in Riga: Exploitation and Annihilation 1941–1944 , New York: Berghahn
    Arad, Y. et al (eds) (1989) The Einsatzgruppen Reports. Selections from the Dispatches of the Nazi Death Squads’ Campaign Against the Jews in Occupied Territories of the Soviet Union July 1941–January 1943 , New York: Holocaust Library
    Bagramian, I. (1984) So Schritten Wir Zum Sieg , Berlin: Militärverlag der DDR
    Balashov, A. (2006) Ystoriya Velykoye Otechiestvennoye Voinyi 1941–1945 , St Petersburg: Peter
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