Betting on Grace

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Book: Betting on Grace by Nicole Edwards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Edwards
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going to require Grant to get up, and he really
wasn’t looking forward to doing that.
    “A shower.”
    “Of course you do.” Grant’s entire body went hard,
almost instantly. The memory of the last shower they’d taken together was still
fresh in his mind.
    “Care to join me?” Lane asked.
    Grant knew that Lane had only worded it as a request.
Based on the heated look in Lane’s eyes, if Grant said no — which he wasn’t
even capable of doing, no matter how tired he was — Lane would only push until
Grant gave in.
    He figured he might as well save them both some time.
    Returning Lane’s grin, Grant dropped his feet to the
floor and sat up. “Lead the way.”
    “My pleasure,” Lane said. “Oh, but this time, I want
to watch the expression on your face when I take your dick in my mouth.
You all right with that?”
    Was he ever.
    And probably just as Lane had planned, Grant was on
his feet and practically pushing Lane into the bathroom.
    Grace sighed as she dropped into the recliner, her
ears perking up at the sounds coming from the room next door.
    Hiding out from her sisters had never been one of
Grace’s specialties, although she had tried to perfect the skill over the
years. Tonight, of all nights, Grace had managed to evade Hope and Faith but
not Trinity, which meant she’d only been sidetracked for about an hour while
Trin went on and on about the store. Which was about sixty minutes longer than
she wanted to spend hearing about product placement, new souvenirs, and whether
or not they should add more candy to their already overflowing shelves.
Thankfully, that was over.
    For now.
    She knew she’d have to have a long talk with all of
her sisters tomorrow because Hope had scheduled an early meeting. Considering
Grace’s day generally started before the sun came up, time was of the essence,
and she was quickly running out of it tonight. Between Trin’s need to bitch and
moan about not having enough help at the store, Faith’s desperate attempt to
ensure all of them understood exactly how much money was coming in versus going
out, and the burr that Hope had in her butt, tomorrow was going to be a very,
very long day.
    Grace’s thoughts flitted to the reaction that Ben had had
to Hope while they were at dinner last night. The guy had been transfixed on
Hope. But more surprising was Hope’s reaction to him.
    Through the years, Grace and her sisters had dated a
handful of men — probably would’ve been more than just a few, but free time on
the ranch was nearly nonexistent. Still, despite their father’s brutal
reminders that they were off-limits, they had been known to date. But the only
one of them who kept her distance from men at any cost was Hope. No one
questioned her, but after Hope’s answering response to Ben last night, Grace
wanted to. She wanted to bombard Hope with questions, to know exactly what was
going through her head. As for Ben … Grace was pretty sure he was a good guy.
But he was a guest. Which meant he was temporary.
    Not that it was any of her business or anything.
    But right now, Grace wasn’t worried about her sisters,
or even the impending conversations to come. No, she was just interested in
finishing her dinner.
    Sitting in Grant’s recliner, she watched the
television, not really paying any attention to what was on the screen.
    She might’ve been fully vested in Duck Dynasty, the
show that had been on the television when she’d arrived, had she not been
preoccupied. Nope, her apologies would have to go to the Robertson family for
her lack of interest because the moans and groans coming from the bathroom were
enough to distract her from the best show, and in her humble opinion — crazy as
it may sound — this one was fairly decent.
    Not to mention, the two men currently getting hot and
heavy in the shower were igniting a torrent of desire within her without even
realizing it.
    When she’d arrived a few minutes ago, three

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