Better Than Perfect

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Book: Better Than Perfect by Kristina Mathews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristina Mathews
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notes. “According to my sources, you turned down a long-term contract offer from Chicago.”
    “Who wouldn’t want to come to San Francisco?” He smiled for the camera. “The Goliaths organization is one of the finest in all of baseball. The ballpark is beautiful. The fans are amazing. And there’s a lot of talent on this team.”
    “You’ll only add to that talent. And at a bargain price.” She leaned forward, making Johnny a tad uncomfortable. “I’m sure we’ll all be very pleased with the acquisition.”
    “Thank you.” Johnny found that a simple response to praise was the easiest. He didn’t want to talk about his contract. His agent wasn’t very happy with him for accepting a lower offer, a one-year deal, but Johnny had his reasons for coming here. Getting a ring was only one of them.
    “You’re already making your presence known here in San Francisco.” She tapped her pen against her thigh. “You’re participating in the Mel Harrison Jr. Foundation’s annual minicamp for youth players.”
    “Yes. Actually, Mel Harrison was a friend of mine in college. I think it’s a…” Johnny swallowed, the sting of losing his friend causing an unexpected lump in his throat. “It’s a nice way to honor his memory.”
    “I wasn’t aware of the connection.” Rachel sounded flustered for an instant. Like a straight-A student getting an answer wrong for the first time. “But I’m sure he’d be proud of the work you’re doing to help young ballplayers.”
    “Yes. Kids are the future. Without them, there would be no reason to play.” Did that sound corny or what?
    She laughed, a throaty, seductive laugh that made him feel more than a little uncomfortable. He wondered if she would ask him about his work with Zach. He hoped not. He wasn’t sure if he could explain why it was so important for him to take the boy under his wing. Why he felt like he owed it to Mel to help his son.
    “The Harrison Foundation has made a difference in the lives of so many kids in our area.” She dialed down the charm enough to make Johnny relax. “They must have been pleased to have you step in at the last minute when Nathan Cooper was suspended.”
    “I’m more than happy to help. I’ve met some terrific kids this week.” Johnny wanted to deflect the conversation away from steroids. The focus should be on the kids. On the game. “Real hard-workers. Eager to learn. Ready to play.”
    “And they’re lucky to have such a stellar role model.” She got a certain glint in her eye. The conversation was about to get personal. “They call you ‘The Monk.’ Can you share the origins of that nickname?”
    “I think it has something to do with the way I’m able to shut down all outside distractions.” Johnny breathed in, trying to bring that sense of calm to this interview, without going through his whole routine. “I keep my focus on the next pitch. I don’t think about the last one that didn’t fall right where I wanted it. I don’t think about the last time I faced this batter and whether or not he took me deep. And I don’t think about anything other than my game.”
    “I have heard that theory.” She tilted her head just enough to signal she had something else in mind. “But something tells me it’s only part of the story.”
    “Oh really?” Did she honestly have nothing better to talk about?
    “Your reputation around the league is somewhat unique.” She smiled in a way that made him think she was almost embarrassed to take the questions in this direction. Almost. “Or is your celibacy exaggerated?”
    “I prefer to keep my personal life private.”
    “Is it because of a religious conviction?” Genuine curiosity in her tone was the only thing that made him willing to continue this conversation. That and the fact he was on camera.
    “For some, baseball is like a religion. But no, it’s not because of any particular religious beliefs.” Johnny wondered if Alice would catch the broadcast. Now that

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