Believe in Me (Jett #1)

Believe in Me (Jett #1) by Amy Sparling Page A

Book: Believe in Me (Jett #1) by Amy Sparling Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Sparling
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them to the boys. Jett can probably eat a dozen in one sitting.”
    Though he’d been on my mind this whole time, the mention of his name out loud sends a dark shadow over my happy mood. Becca seems to notice because her smile fades and she tilts her head. “You okay?”
    My heart is aching in my chest but I nod anyway. “Yeah, I’m good.”
    “Is it your mom? Oh honey . . .” Becca frowns. That pitying look I’ve seen so many times returns to her face. “I wasn’t sure if I should tell you or not . . .”
    The lump in my throat returns. “What? Tell me what? Did you hear from my mom?”
    She shakes her head. “No . . . not yet. But, you know how her phone does that thing where sometimes it rings and sometimes it doesn’t? That has to mean her phone is on, right?”
    I nod, my throat suddenly feeling like it’ll close at any moment. Mom’s phone has been driving me crazy. If it were dead, then it’d go to voicemail every time. But when it rings . . . is she ignoring me? That’s really the only explanation.
    “So, what is it?” I ask.
    Becca lowers her gaze and stares at her fingernails. “I hope you don’t mind, but I called around. I checked with every police department from here to Corpus Christi. She hasn’t been arrested or brought in or anything.”
    “Oh.” I nod. Try swallowing the lump, but it doesn’t go anywhere. “I’m not mad.”
    Three nights ago, Becca and I had called some hospitals to see if they had taken in my mom. No one had heard of her, so I’d been a little relieved. “I haven’t thought of that. That’s actually a good idea.”
    She nods, her lips pressing together in a gesture that’s both caring and frustrated. “I don’t know what else to try.”
    “She’s never done this,” I say, going through my memories yet again. Never, ever, has my mom just straight up left me like this. “I don’t understand and I swear I didn’t know about it. I had no idea she was going to do this.”
    “I know sweetheart, don’t worry about that.” The timer dings and Becca grabs an oven mitt. I open the oven door for her and she takes out our cupcakes, which are perfectly baked and already look golden and delicious. The smell fills up the kitchen and makes my mouth water. I am eating like some kind of god over here and I love every second of it.
    “I know I’ve said this before,” Becca says as she sets the trays down on fleur-de-lis trivets. “But I’d love having you here for as long as it takes. You really are a pleasure to have around and I don’t mind one bit. I hope this doesn’t sound crazy, but I kind of feel like maybe your visit is like a gift from fate. I’ve always wanted a child and lately I’ve been thinking that if Park and I had kids when we got married, that I’d have a teenager by now and . . .” Her eyes fill with tears and my mouth falls open. “God, Keanna, I’m sorry. Here I am crying like a lunatic! Oh my god, you must think I’m a freak.”
    “No, I don’t. I think you’re a lifesaver.” The moment I say the words I realize they are true. “I’m a total stranger and you took me in and I’m really grateful.”
    I’m afraid she’s going to hug me, but instead she takes off her oven mitt and wipes her eyes. “Tomorrow, let’s go shopping. I want to get you some clothes.”
    “No way, you can’t do that. You’ve already done too much.” She waves her hand at my words but I keep going. “Actually, can I maybe work for you? Do some chores to help pay for my room and board?”
    She considers this for a moment. “Okay my first thought is no, because you’re my guest but—actually, there might be something you can do. I work a couple days a week at the track but I’m looking at going to Louisiana for a few days to showcase my art at this huge craft fair they have there. You could cover for me. I’ll even pay you.”
    “Working at the track? I don’t know if I could do that.” What I don’t say is that Jett works at the

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