Being the Bad Boy's Victim

Being the Bad Boy's Victim by Claire Monette Page A

Book: Being the Bad Boy's Victim by Claire Monette Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Monette
since Ch——’ I wonder what he was going to say.
    “I’m sorry,” I murmured, resting my hand awkwardly on his shoulder.  
    He gave me a small smile before returning to his seat.
    “Come on, you’re going to need all the help you can get,” he joked.
    I scowled playfully and plopped back down on my seat before pulling out my books.
    Twenty minutes later
    “Bella! You can’t do that!” Connor exclaimed, ripping the pencil away from my hand.
    “Waaaaaaaaah!” I screamed, dropping my head to the desk in defeat.
    Ten minutes ago, Connor would have laughed. But at that point? Well, I was pretty sure I was just pissing him off.
    “Bella, we’ve been over this!” Connor said with a sigh.
    I lifted my head, ready to yell. “Well, you’re just a horrible teacher!” I snapped instead, glaring at him.
    “Or you’re just stupid,” Connor muttered, stacking up all my papers.
    I pulled out my phone to check the time, 2:50 pm. Ten minutes left. I wasn’t going to make it!
    “I’m not stupid,” I murmured, putting everything away. I collapsed back into my chair and glared at Connor.
    “Yes, yes, you are.”
    That did it.
    “Die!” I wailed, lunging across the table. I caught Connor by surprise and was able to get a couple of good slaps in before he pinned my wrists on the table, forcing me to lay on my back.
    His eyes twinkled mischievously as he leaned over me.
    “Jerk!” I snapped as I struggled. My breathing hitched when I realized Connor was getting closer. I could already feel his hot breath on my neck.
    Ring, ring, ring!
    Talk about being saved by the bell! I then bolted out from underneath Connor and grabbed my backpack, running towards the exit.
    “Not so fast.” He grabbed my arm, which really surprised me because I didn’t know he was right behind me. Well, just so you know, bad things happen when I’m surprised.
    “Haha. Oops!” I laughed nervously, ran out the door and to my locker, and then straight onto someone.
    “Hey! So, I was wondering if I could have your number?” Liam asked, the faintest bit of blush on his cheeks.
    “Oh, yeah!” I said, as I took his phone from his hands and added myself as a contact.
    He grinned as I handed it back.
    “Thanks! So I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said, walking off.
    I couldn’t help but grin. Oh, God! I didn’t like Liam, did I? I grabbed my backpack and headed outside, only to realize my car wasn’t there.
    “You’re coming with me, dollface.”
    I turned and saw Connor smirking at me. I frowned and realized that I would have to go back on the “vehicle of death.”
    Ten minutes later
    I managed to not hold on to him for too long after the ride was over. The second he stopped, I pulled away, and muttered a small ‘thank you’ before turning to leave.
    “Wait,” Connor said, grabbing my wrist.
    “What?” I asked, confused.
    “I saw you talking to Liam. And I heard from many people that he asked you out,” Connor said. “Is that true?”
    My heart was racing. “N-no,” I mumbled.
    Connor smiled, dropped my wrist, and said, “Good.”
    I was almost at the front door before he spoke again.
    “Because, Bella, you’re mine. I won’t let anyone get in my way of having you.”
    I froze and whirled around just as he rode away.
    Oh, God! Did I just put Liam in danger?


Chapter 09
    “Dude, she’s lying to you,” James said, lazily falling on the couch.
    I scowled and sat down in the armchair next to him.
    “Yeah, man. I saw it with my own eyes,” Matt said, sprawled out on the other couch.
    I cursed and glared at them both. “I warned her what would happen,” I said, curtly.
    Matt and James exchanged looks before one of them spoke.
    “Listen, Connor, you’ve always been known as the guy who gets the girl. When other guys find out that Liam is getting closer to her, she’s going to be seen as free meat,” Matt said with a shrug as he turned on the

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