jobs and move up the ladder with their boy-toy.
The display was disgusting enough to get me to sit down and stick my tongue out at my computer monitor. The poor thing only stared blankly back at me. The hustle and bustle on the floor simmered down to a low hum so I was able to get back to work. The clickety-clack of the keyboards and murmuring voices were interrupted when the elevator doors opened a few minutes later. There was a collective groan of disappointment. It was only the mail. The delivery guy was given dirty looks and retreated back into the elevator.
Finally, an excruciating half hour after the announcement of his coming, the elevator doors opened and out stepped our new manager. I didn't look over my cubicle walls, but the sounds of chairs pulling back and audible gasps told me some were impressed with his looks. Since I was going to see him tomorrow at my private interview I kept at my work, though with one ear on the conversation. Ms. Finner met him at the elevators.
"Good morning, Mr. Dunner. Would you like me to take you around the floor?" The floor was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop. Well, except for my keyboard and those of the guys. We kept working while all the ladies shot us dirty looks for making so much noise.
A soft-spoken male voice answered her question. "No, I had a look around last night after everyone left. It's a nice floor."
"And has some nice people," Finner added. My heart skipped a beat because I knew she was talking about me. "But why don't I show you to your new office and we can hammer out any questions you might have?"
"Sounds great."
Their footsteps walked along the floor straight from the elevator to Finner's office. She had a view office on the outside of the building with some of my coworkers who were senior employees. My cubicle was diagonally at the opposite end from the elevator, so I didn't see anything. I could have, but that would have involved me sticking my head out and staring down the hall. I didn't want to join the other dozen or so people who were gawking at him. Besides, all their heads would have been in my way.
When the door closed on Finner's office, the twittering birds came alive. Admiration for their prey and aspiration for their seductions spread across the floor. The men and I laid low, but as a fellow woman I couldn't help but eavesdrop on the loudest of the conversations. One of the talkers was Alicia, along with her two cohorts, Delilah and Stacy.
Delilah's voice oozed out her awe of his manliness. I silently gagged over my keyboard. "I think someone was lying to us when they said he was just cute. He's definitely handsome."
Stacy didn't sound too happy with Delilah's eager tone. "You think you're going to get him?" she scoffed at Delilah.
"I know I'm going to get him," was the quickly reply.
Alicia stepped in to fan the flames. "Neither of you are getting him, now get back to work and wipe off that lipstick. It doesn't match your complexion," she scolded in a terrifyingly motherly voice.
Delilah wasn't impressed. "Uh-huh, just so you can get him alone later and try to reel him in with your banshee tactics. You should really drink more water, your voice is raspy."
The door to one of the offices opened and the whole place hushed. Finner's voice rang out through the floor. "Stacy, Alicia, Delilah, you're loud enough to wake the dead, now please get back to work before you give Mr. Dunner a bad impression."
That cowed them into a work ethic, and for the rest of the day the place was a beehive of progress. Never before, or since, was that place ever run so smoothly and efficiently. It was a nice way to send Finner off. She left at noon for her retirement, and the whole floor waved her goodbye as she stepped onto the elevator. For once I was at the front of the crowd smiling at her while a lot of my coworkers stood there with insincere grins. Finner the slave-driver was gone, replaced by a young, handsome man they hoped they could steam-roll
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Jack - Seals 05 Terral
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Chris Bradford