Behind the Pines (The Gass County Series Book 3)

Behind the Pines (The Gass County Series Book 3) by Unknown Page B

Book: Behind the Pines (The Gass County Series Book 3) by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
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familiar landscape flew by the window, orders of directions coming scarcely from Hemmerson. Distance was of more importance than direction. Was it Canada he sought? Saskatchewan, Manitoba maybe? Stretched-out land and a chance for freedom .
    “Stop thinking so hard, blondie, just drive and turn that mind of yours off. You’re ruining my peacefulness. Do you know how it is to live inside a prison?” He turned to her, placing his knee on the console between them. “It’s crowded, it’s evil, and it’s a fucking pleasure for those lucky enough to find a mate.”
    “Not your cup of tea, from what I’ve heard.”
    A puff of air escaped his nose and she noticed him staring straight at her while she kept her eyes on the darkened cement road ahead. “So, you have heard of me. I guess my reputation proceeds me. Well, miss, then there is no need to tell you my preference. You already know.”

Chapter Nineteen
    This is dumb, he thought, alternating pushing down the gas pedal of the patrol car, then hitting the brakes. Repeatedly for the next few miles of dark asphalt and slumbering forest, eyes looking for that one lonely turn-out leading down the gravel path dusted in growing weeds leading up to Sunshine’s bland, white trailer. To call it an RV would be taking it too far, there being nothing recreational about the vehicle, but trailer. Sure, it wouldn’t roll on those wheels any time soon but it was somewhere to keep warm.
    He turned down the gentle slope off the road. Gangly, vulnerable seedlings whisked their green tentacles against the side of his cruiser until he reached a clearing ahead. Gravel mixed with weeds crawling from the forest and into the clearing, making a half circle dusted in cool pale rays of a night’s beginning. The sunshine stretched its tired arms in a last yawn before its disappearance. His cruiser rolled to a soft halt in the center and he noticed Sunshine’s car missing. He stepped outside and hung his sunglasses from the neck of his shirt and shut the car door behind him. No lights on inside the small trailer; maybe she was sleeping. Like an antelope, he jumped midair at the sound of a large bark from behind. Brutus. Damn, he thought and clasped his hand over his heart, asking it to stay inside his body. He would do anything to avoid that dark-haired colossal beast.
    “What’s up, beast?” Brody stood back three feet or more from the feeble chicken wire holding the monster captive. He placed his hands on his hips and looked at the dog. “Trying to tell me I should let you out?” The dog’s nose pressed between the openings of wire, his wide tongue licking the metal like tasty beef thrown from heaven. His tail wagged from left to right every time Brody opened his mouth.
    “Where is your mama, big boy?” He stood his ground and waited for a rustle from the inside of the trailer.
    “Brutus,” he gruffed, getting the dog’s attention. “Sunshine? Where is Sunshine ?”
    Yes , Brutus seemed to answer with a loud bark and sat his large bottom on the ground and stared straight through the wire and into Brody’s eyes.
    “Damn it,” Brody cursed and shook his head in irritation, knowing it couldn’t be avoided. Let Brutus out. “Okay, hold on for a minute will you?” He walked over to the trailer and knocked on the door. No answer, as he had suspected. He tried the door, locked. He walked around the trailer, pushing gangly pine branches away from his body as he rounded the vehicle. No open windows and from what it looked like through the glass, no one inside.
    “Hey, Brutus.” Brody walked back to the canine licking the wire once more and brought out a granola bar from his pocket. “You hungry?” Brutus sneezed at the scent in front of his nose and, with furry eyebrows playing a game of hopscotch, contemplated if the snack in Brody’s hand was trustworthy. “I know it’s not sausage, but come on, you’re either hungry or not. Trying to get a feel for the last time

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