Behind The Mirror ( The Glass Wall Series - Prelude to Book 1 )
    Rafael frowned. They clearly had choices. He could see the lines flowing around and through them, but they were apparently choosing to walk the dangerous path. Why?
    At once, both Queens turned upon him. “Cease the intrusion!” they ordered as one. “You may not read our fate!”
    Hastily, Rafael averted his gaze. Something was not right. It was his place to assist them, protect them from danger, but they seemed intent upon sending him away.
    “Jareth cannot find Melody alone.” The Queen of the Dark’s husky voice broke into his thoughts. “His search has proven fruitless. You must find her, and you have little time.”
    Thinking of Melody’s warning, Rafael took a deep breath.
    At that, both Queens turned their eyes upon him.
    They were Mind Whisperers, possessing the ability to sift through thoughts. Already, he could hear their voices inside his head. “What do you fear, Rafael? Do you fear what Melody saw in her mirror? Do you fear the human girl that could undo us all?”
    He swallowed, stepping back, refusing to let them remain in his mind. He could not let them see that he already knew where and who the human girl was.
    They would give the order to destroy her.
    In his heart, he knew that this human girl, Sydney, was a key, the key to Melody, certainly, but a key to something bigger. Her fate line, though blue, was strong and powerful, leading to a destiny that he had not been able to follow yet. He had been hiding this knowledge and her identity for years, since the moment he had found her himself, the day before Melody had left for Earth. He still didn’t know why he had kept it secret.
    “What do you withhold from us?” The Queens’ voices seared through his mind.
    Firmly, Rafael refused them further entry and countered, “Why send me? Give Jareth more time.”
    Leaving his mind, the Queens’ soft voices echoed in the audience chamber. “We cannot lose the information that Melody carries within her. You must hurry. What she knows is more important than any danger we may face here without you.”
    He stared at them standing before him, regal, imposing and powerful. They were watching him suspiciously now, obviously wondering why he refused to let them sift through his thoughts. He couldn’t stay now. They would search his mind and find Sydney, and upon finding her, they would not hesitate to order her demise.
    Yet, could he ignore Melody’s dire warning?
    Could she have been mistaken? And if she weren’t, could he change the outcome that she had foreseen? Could he be strong enough to change the tides of fate?
    Sydney’s face flashed through his mind. He knew her fate line had already entwined with his. There was no other explanation for her continual appearance in his mirror. He just hadn’t wanted to admit it. At this point, setting foot on Earth would probably make little difference.
    “Let us see into your mind, Rafael.” The Queens’ voices once again whispered through his thoughts.
    Rafael staggered back.
    He could not let them kill her.
    He would not let them kill her.
    Drawing himself to his full height, he mounted the steps to the dais and towered over the Queens. “I will do as you order, my Queens. I will go.”
    They were pleased.
    Both of their lips opened to form the imperious reply, “Then leave at once!”
    * * *
    Rafael walked slowly back to his quarters, lost in thought and feeling more than a little shaken. What had he done? Had he made the worst of errors?
    As he stepped through the door, Ajax took one look at him and lifted his lip, snarling. “This is foolish!” The dog’s growl filtered through Rafael’s thoughts. “Why risk all for a mere human girl? Jareth was right. She should have been disposed of immediately!”
    “Enough, Ajax!” Rafael frowned.
    “I would know why you risk us all. It is a fair question,” the Doberman insisted. His lip had curled back in displeasure, revealing his white teeth.
    “Because I see something different in her

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