lap, no mean
feat for a short piece. Author Angel Martinez
Wonderful read you just can't put down.
Author Dayana Knight
This short is packed with all the things I love...a talented use
of first person, lots of sexual tension, great descriptions, and
a hero who makes you weak with desire...and that's all in the
first three pages! Author Emma Lai
* * * *
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Before the Moon Rises
by Catherine Bybee
Chapter One
The radio squealed in her ear adding to the chaos of the
busy emergency room at County General. Janet grabbed a
pen from the pocket of her hot pink scrub top and poised it
over the run sheet as she hit the talk button with her other
hand. "This is County Base, come in 79."
"We're on scene with an approximate 35 year old male,
about 185 pounds with an altered level of consciousness. He's
unresponsive with a GCS of 13. No visible signs of trauma.
His glucose is 112." The medic continued to ramble off normal
vital signs, which Janet jotted down.
When the paramedic paused, she pushed the button on the
radio and spoke into the mic. "79, is there any evidence of
"Negative. There's no alcohol on scene, and I don't smell
any on his breath."
Janet sat forward and gave her orders. "Try two milligrams
of Narcan IV push, I'll stand by."
While she waited for the medic to carry out the order, she
yelled over the nurse's station at one of the Techs. "Hey Tom,
can you have C-2 ready? 79's coming in with a run."
"County, are you there?"
"Go ahead, 79."
"No response to the Narcan."
She tilted her head toward the radio, trying in vain to block
out the noise of the department. "Mitch, is there anything
pointing to what we have?" The Paramedic on the other end
Before the Moon Rises
by Catherine Bybee
was seasoned. He had seen almost everything in the last
twenty years.
"I think he's psych."
"Based on what?"
"The man's naked."
Janet heard laughter in the background. The men on scene
were obviously getting some levity out of this one.
She tossed her pen down and stopped worrying about
giving the wrong orders. Following procedure, she rambled off
a list of things to be done with the patient before he made it
to the back door. She knew the medics had already
completed most of them, making the exercise a waste.
Finished, she signed off and logged in the run.
It had been a bitch of a night. Janet glanced out the back
doors of the ER where the sun started to rise. Unfortunately,
day shift wasn't due in for another hour. They couldn't get
here fast enough as far as she was concerned.
Patients had bombarded the ER nonstop since she arrived
at 7:00 PM the day before. Graveyard sucked. Add a full
moon to the equation, and it always proved to be a
nightmare. So much so, she'd learned long ago to schedule
her days off around it. As most good plans go however, she
was stuck with a full moon shift when one of her fellow nurses
ended up sick with the flu.
Now beat, she rubbed the back of her neck, urging the
muscles to relax, and counted the minutes to when she could
Less than five minutes later, Emergency Medical
Technicians wheeled the patient-laden gurney into C-2 with
Before the Moon Rises
by Catherine Bybee
the paramedics in tow. Janet nodded to them, grabbed a
triage sheet and walked behind the curtain.
"Anything change?" she asked, then set the papers on the
overcrowded crash cart.
"He's responding to pain a little more. But he's still
completely out." Mitch tore off his paperwork and handed it
Janet grasped a set of EKG patches and started placing
them on the man's chest. Lucky for him his torso was free of
hair. Otherwise, she would have had to shave the
unconscious man.
Surprisingly, the man was rather well-groomed considering
he was most likely some psycho off his meds. His flawlessly
shaped bronzed chest caught her attention and his arms
appeared as if they lifted weights on a daily basis.
He wasn't
David Gemmell
Teresa Trent
Alys Clare
Paula Fox
Louis - Sackett's 15 L'amour
Javier Marías
Paul Antony Jones
Shannon Phoenix
C. Desir
Michelle Miles