Bedroom Games
every corner,
just waiting to catch a glimpse of my ass. You have no idea how
freaking nightmarish that was. So living-wise, I’m really happy.
Strategy-wise, I don’t know that it matters so much because Mickey
was a floater. He went with whoever was in Power and made it clear
that he’d do whatever it takes to stay on. You can’t trust people
like that.”
    A pause. “How are things with your
    I licked my lips and thought hard. “Brodie’s
been…surprisingly more loyal than I thought he would be. When I
came on the show, I expected him to be the biggest horn-dog ever.
And he flirts a lot, don’t get me wrong. But there’s some strategy
behind it, I think?” I gave a light shrug. “And I can’t get mad,
because I see the strategy. And he shares his plans with me, so I
know what’s going on.”
    “So it doesn’t bother you that he’s hitting
on all the women in the house?”
    “Oh, I didn’t say it didn’t bother me. I just
said I understood the strategy behind it. And it shouldn’t irritate
me, really. We’re just partners, nothing more.”
    “But you showered together.”
    My fingers twitched and I tugged at the hem
of my t-shirt. “That was just so we could talk. It wasn’t
for…sexual purposes. Man, it sounds really awkward to say that, but
it’s true. There was nothing sexy about it.”
    Except for the fact that I’d watched his
naked ass when he’d left the shower. And maybe thought about that
moment far more often than anyone who was ‘just friends’ should.
After all, I wasn’t sitting around and picturing Jendan naked.
    “How are the alliances shifting in the
    The intercom’s question caught me by
surprise, breaking me out of my reverie. “Um. They shift every day,
to be honest. Jendan and I are strong, though. At least, I feel
like we are. We share info and keep an eye on each other’s backs.
Ditto myself and Brodie. Of course, that’s not enough to win the
game, but Brodie swears he has both Sunnie and Jayme, and Jendan
has Marla, so that puts us in a majority as long as we all vote the
same way.”
    “It sounds like you’re counting on everyone
else to make deals to save you.”
    I frowned, a bit irritated by that
assumption. “Not at all. I’m playing this game, but part of my
strategy is to let others take the heat at the beginning. Right
now, Jendan and Brodie are the stars of the show. I’ll carry my end
when it’s time. It’s just not time right now.”
    “Any enemies in the house?”
    “I don’t know if I have enemies as much as
there are people that I don’t totally trust. And by that, I mean
everyone. Casper and Marla are the most paranoid, though. If I had
to choose who I trust the least, I’d pick those two…which makes it
real interesting considering that I’m allied with one of them.”
    “What about Jayme and Fido? They have Power
this week. How do you feel about them?”
    “I’m marginally fine with Jayme because
Brodie says we can trust her. I haven’t really had a chance to talk
to Fido all that much one-on-one, so I’m hoping he goes along with
whatever Jayme wants.”
    “You think she’s leading that team?”
    I laughed. “She is totally leading that team.
Fido’s a nice guy, but Jayme runs right over him.”
    “And what about your team? Who’s in charge of
the Brodie-Kandis alliance?”
    I paused. That was a very good question.
    ~~ * ~~
    “So,” Jendan said, rubbing suntan lotion on
his shoulders before laying down on his beach-towel. His voice was
low. “I don’t want you to panic, but I have heard about a plan this
    I looked over at Jendan, my head propped on
my hands as I tanned my back. It was a lazy day in the house. The
smokers were all hanging out near the couches and listening to
Marla tell another story about her kids. Sunnie and Jayme and
Brodie were in the kitchen, baking (and flirting). Jendan and I had
the pool all to ourselves, and we’d swam a little and were now
laying out to

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