Bedding the Enemy

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Book: Bedding the Enemy by Mary Wine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Wine
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cupped her chin. It was but a whisper of a touch. She was shocked that a man so large and powerful might control his strength so completely. She quivered because it struck her as tender, the sort of touch she dreamed of receiving from a lover. But the two thoughts were in conflict, because a lover was only imaginary for her, but the hand on her chin was very real.
    â€œHe is my brother. My legal guardian. Even the church will not intercede.”
    Keir’s face tightened, a muscle on the side of his jaw pulsing. But there was a flicker of something in his eyes that sent a shiver down her spine because it was deeply intimate.
    â€œI enjoy the sound of my name on your lips.” His voice dipped into a husky tone that shook her. Excitement raced along her skin, raising gooseflesh. But his expression changed, turning hard and determined.
    â€œBut I treat my hunting hounds better.”
    His voice was cold and hard. Several growls rose from his men. Her pride hated it. Hated the fact that he, that they, were right.
    â€œI will be just fine. I assure you that I am strong enough to withstand a temper tantrum from Edmund.” She lifted her chin away from his hand, unwilling to allow herself the comfort. Strength was what kept a person going. She mustn’t weaken. Edmund would exploit it.
    Keir’s lips twitched again. But there was nothing nice about the grin that showed his teeth to her.
    â€œI know ye are stronger. But I’ll no’ be standing by while that whelp punishes ye for something I accused him of doing. It was nae yer word that colored him guilty.”
    â€œBut the king didn’t trust you—” She stepped back and covered her lips with a hand. “I didn’t mean to speak harshly.”
    â€œYe spoke the truth as ye witnessed it. Jamie was nae sure what to think of me. He’d never laid eyes on me and only had my father and older brothers to draw memory of McQuade values from.” He shook his head. “Ye spoke in my defense and that is nae something that I’ll be allowing to be punished.”
    â€œBut there is nothing you can do to prevent the way Edmund deals with me. It is best to leave matters.”
    He reached across the space between them and stroked her uninjured cheek. Sweet pleasure crossed her flesh, driving some of the chill from her body.
    â€œI do enjoy it when ye issue me a challenge, lass.” There was a glint in his eyes that was hard and determined. “Be very sure that I intend to meet it head-on.”
    He turned his attention to the housekeeper. The woman jumped, a startled sound coming out of her mouth when Keir held up a solid silver pound. Her eyes rounded, one hand rising, but she didn’t reach for the coin. Shock and disbelief held her frozen.
    â€œTake good care of yer mistress. I will return.”
    He placed the silver in her palm. The woman lowered herself, but Keir had swept from the room along with his men before she finished. A gust of night air brushed Helena’s face as the front door was opened on the lower floor.
    â€œWell now. Indeed, I’ve never seen the like.”
    The housekeeper tucked the silver into a pouch that hung from her belt. She patted it before looking at Helena.
    â€œMy Christian name is Margery. I’m going to get that young Avis to haul in some water for bathing.”
    Helena wished the idea of a bath didn’t send such joy through her. She wanted to refuse because it was yet another thing that money bought. She was so weary of the bribes and false friendship offered to her brother because of his power and fortune. Oh, she was harsh to think poorly of Margery—that coin was several months’ pay for a housekeeper. Pride did nothing to soothe hunger, pain, or the bite of winter.
    But this was bought with Keir’s coin…
    And that left her at the mercy of her feelings. She shook her head to dispel them. She did not know him. One encounter ripe with flirting did

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