Because You Love Me

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Book: Because You Love Me by Mari Carr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mari Carr
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    Rodney informed her they had nowhere to go and no money to purchase transportation out of town. He also insisted that he was determined to crack Lyle’s code and find that flash drive. According to him, he couldn’t go back to New York without it and expect to keep his job. Even with it, he feared he was facing the unemployment line. Rodney intended to continue searching for Ellen, the godmother, even though Bridget was beginning to think that clue was as wrong as “God’s grave” had been.
    She’d told him as much and then accused him of only wanting to stick around for Jacob. Rodney got angry and said she only wanted to run because she was hot for two cowboys and too chicken to do anything about it. After that, they’d gone to bed, the silence in the room suffocating her until she finally managed to drop into a restless sleep.
    “I know you’re awake.”
    She didn’t open her eyes or acknowledge Rodney’s comment. She was still mad.
    Her bed dipped and she felt Rodney’s thigh press against hers as he sat next to her. “Bridget? I’m sorry about last night.”
    She opened her eyes and looked at him. She didn’t like the tired look in his eyes or the sadness on his face.
    “I’m sorry too.” She was. She’d been overwrought. Her mother always accused her of being melodramatic. Last night had been a perfect example of that character flaw.
    Rodney grinned. “Things always look better in the morning.”
    She considered the fact they were stuck in a strange town with no money and a hit man on their trail, and were no closer to finding the flash drive. Then she remembered Matt and Mark, the way they’d caressed and kissed her last night. She smiled too. Maybe things weren’t so bad after all.
    “So I take it you and Jacob had a good time last night?”
    Rodney leaned closer, his face answering her question without words. He looked downright cheerful. “It was okay.”
    She laughed, picking up her pillow and lobbing it at his head. “You go to hell for lying.”
    He dodged her blow. “Hey, I’d say in comparison with your evening, my night was only okay. I just can’t imagine how your pants—and panties—ended up on the floor.”
    Fucking observant cop. “I’m not answering that.”
    “Come on, kitten. We’ve been living celibate lives here. You gotta give me some details. Inquiring minds want to know. Which James twin were you with?”
    She blushed. She thought he’d figured it out already, but apparently he hadn’t. Saying it aloud was going to be tough. “I wasn’t with either of them. We just sort of fooled around some.”
    Rodney nodded. “Okay. So you fooled around. Who with?”
    She opened her mouth, determined to put him off, but then she thought better of it. She needed advice. Bad.
    “Both of them.”
    Rodney was silent for only a moment, and when he opened his mouth, it wasn’t to speak or judge or condemn her. It was worse. He laughed. Loudly.
    Her temper was piqued. “This isn’t funny.”
    Rodney continued to chuckle. “You’re damn right, it’s not. It’s fucking hot. Holy shit, girlfriend. I knew you were pretty cool, but I had no idea—”
    She smacked him on the shoulder. “I’ve never done anything like that before. Hell, I’ve never even had a one-night stand. This is just…” She threw her arms out in frustration. “I need advice here. I’m flying blind. Big time.”
    “And you think I can tell you how to proceed in this little threesome you’re indulging in? Don’t mean to disillusion you, Bridge, but I suck at dating one person at a time.”
    “You don’t think I’m, oh, I don’t know, sort of slutty for messing around with both of them?”
    He shook his head. “You don’t have a slutty bone in your body. Do you think this is normal for them? I mean, maybe it’s a twin thing.”
    “No,” she replied quickly. “They said last night it was new for them too. I’m not sure why I’m even letting myself get carried away with this. We have

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