Beautiful Redemption

Beautiful Redemption by Kami García, Margaret Stohl Page A

Book: Beautiful Redemption by Kami García, Margaret Stohl Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kami García, Margaret Stohl
Tags: Fantasy, Juvenile Fiction
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terrifying than staying here. “What do I have to do?”
    “You’ll have to destroy your own page in
The Caster Chronicles
. The one that describes your death.”
    I had a thousand questions, but only one mattered. “What if you’re wrong, and my page was there all along?”
    Obidias stared down at what was left of his hand, the snakes rearing and striking even under the cloth. A shadow passed across his face.
    He raised his eyes to meet mine.
    “I know it wasn’t there, Ethan. Because I’m the one who wrote it.”

Darker Things
    T he room went quiet, so quiet you could hear the house creak as the wind pushed against it. So quiet you could hear the snakes hiss almost as loudly as Aunt Prue’s asthma and my pounding heart. Even the Harlon Jameses slunk away, whimpering behind a chair.
    For a second, I couldn’t think. My mind was completely blank.
    There was no way to process this—to understand why a man I had never met would change the course of my life, so irreparably and violently.
    What the hell did I do to this guy?
    I finally found the words, at least some of them. There wereothers I couldn’t say in front of Aunt Prue, or she’d wash my mouth out with more than soap and probably make me suck down a bottle of Tabasco, too. “Why? You don’t even know me.”
    “It’s complicated—”
    “Complicated?” My voice started rising, and I pulled myself up out of my chair. “You ruined my life. You forced me to choose between saving the people I loved and sacrificing myself. I hurt everyone I care about. They had to put a Cast on my own father to keep him from going crazy!”
    “I’m sorry, Ethan. I wouldn’t have wished this on my worst enemy.”
    “No. You just wished it on some seventeen-year-old kid you’d never met.” This guy wasn’t going to help me. He was the reason I was stuck in this nightmare in the first place.
    Aunt Prue reached out and took my hand. “I know you’re angry, and you’ve got more right than anyone ta be. But Obidias can help us get you back home. So you need ta sit down here and listen ta what he’s got ta say.”
    “How do you know we can trust him, Aunt Prue? Every word that comes out of his mouth is probably a lie.” I pulled my hand away.
    “You listen here, and you listen good.” She yanked on my arm harder than I would’ve expected, and I sank back down into the chair next to her. She wanted me to look her in the eye. “I’ve known Obidias Trueblood since before he was Light or Dark, before he’d done wrong or right. Spent the better part a my days walkin’ the Caster Tunnels with the Truebloodsand my daddy.” Aunt Prue paused and glanced at Obidias. “And he saved me a time or two down there. Even if he wasn’t smart enough ta save himself.”
    I didn’t know what to think. Maybe my aunt had charted the Tunnels with Obidias. Maybe she could trust him.
    But that didn’t mean I could.
    Obidias seemed to know what I was thinking. “Ethan, you may find this hard to believe, but I know what it’s like to feel helpless—to be at the mercy of decisions that you didn’t make.”
    “You have no idea how I feel.” I heard the anger in my voice, but I didn’t try to hide it. I wanted Obidias Trueblood to know I hated him for what he’d done to me and the people I loved.
    I thought about Lena leaving the button on my grave. He didn’t know what that felt like—for me or Lena.
    “Ethan, I know you don’t trust him, and I don’t blame you.” Aunt Prue was playing hardball now. This meant something to her. “But I’m askin’ you ta trust me and hear him out.”
    I locked eyes with Obidias. “Start talking. How do I get back?”
    Obidias took a long breath. “As I said, the only way to get your life back is to erase your death.”
    “So if I destroy the page, I go home—right?” I wanted to be sure there were no loopholes.
    No calling a moon out of time, no splitting the moon in half. No curses that kept me from leaving, once the

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