Beautiful Bounty (The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros. Book 1)

Beautiful Bounty (The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros. Book 1) by MJ Nightingale Page B

Book: Beautiful Bounty (The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros. Book 1) by MJ Nightingale Read Free Book Online
Authors: MJ Nightingale
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shrugged nonchalantly trying to ease his worry. “Don’t worry about it,” she smiled popping the rest of the rainbow cookie into her mouth. Nikko smiled back, and when he smiled at her like that, her stomach fluttered. Damn, he was just too good looking.
    Over her coffee, Ronnie eyed her visitor. Dressed down in jeans and a simple grey t-shirt, he looked delectable. His blue eyes popped and sparkled against his tan face. The man was beautiful, she thought again. What he saw in her petite, overly curvy stature, she would never know.
    “Fo’getta bout it,” she added letting him off the hook. Ronnie couldn’t help but laugh at her horrible imitation of a New York accent. They both did.
    Nikko sputtered over the last sip of his coffee. “That’s bad, Ronnie, real bad. Good thing you didn’t take up acting,” he teased.  The tension evaporated.
    “Come on. Let’s go out in the yard. I hate being indoors and cooped up,” she stated as she got up from her stool. He had no choice but to follow.
    It was still early, the breeze off the water kept the heat of the Florida summer at bay. Missy followed them outside, and Ronnie was throwing a purple something, that resembled a monkey of some sort, a chew toy. He couldn’t tell.
    He stood beside her and watched her interact with the aging dog. “Hey, I’m sorry about earlier. If it’s any consolation, this guy is good. He has one of the highest success rates in Tampa of any defense attorney. And, I’m sure being almost family through your mom’s friend, you’ll get a great discount.” He gave her his boyish innocent smile, and she returned it.
    “You’re probably right. Don’t worry about it. I guess I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it. I’m glad Ana was able to get him to represent me.” Missy chased the purple mess, and came loping back. Ronnie threw it again, and continued. “Thanks for coming though. I feel horrible for my mom, and every time we are alone together the guilt just gets to me.”
    “Glad to be a distraction, milady,” he bowed and she laughed at the noble gesture.
    “I just need time to not think about it sometimes too, you know?”
    “That’s what working on my car was when my folks died,” he offered softly, taking the purple monkey from her and throwing the next pitch.
    She could still see the pain there. He did understand. But when their hands touched, the current passing through them was instant. He stepped back.
    Ronnie made eye contact with him, knew he felt this energy too, but was trying to restrain himself as her breath nearly left her.
    “I’m sorry you lost them so young, but I’m glad you understand.” She took a step closer to him, needing to be near his energy again.
    His heart rate picked up with each step. What he saw in her eyes thrilled him.
    “It’s nice to have a friend who understands,” she practically whispered.
    “A friend, Ronnie.  I like that,” he teased as she got closer.  “Hey, can we be friends?” he joked softly, using the title of an old song as her body came to within an inch of his. He knew that word was meant to remind him of something, but only God knew what it could be in that moment.
    She was so close, and it just seemed so natural to take her into his arms, and that’s what he did. Forgotten were her mother’s words.  Forgotten were her pleas from yesterday. When she looked up to him within his embrace, he bent to press a kiss to her forehead. But when she lifted her face higher, the kiss they shared was as natural as breathing. Both of them held the passion in check but it was there, under the surface, waiting to be unleashed.

Nikko and Ronnie were still in the backyard, talking at this point, when Ronald Stimson showed up in his silver Lexus, parking next to the classic Cutlass, and behind Louisa’s Audi.
    He recognized the girl from her mug shot, and Ana’s description. He waved at the young couple sitting at a picnic bench in the backyard. She’d have to do

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