Battlefield of the Mind
more upset I would become. Then we would repeat the same scene! I would yell at Dave and the children for having a good time while I was taking all the "responsibility"!
    Actually what I was experiencing was not responsibility, it was care—something God had specifically told me to cast on Him.
    I look back now and realize that I wasted all those evenings that God gave me in my early married life. The time He gives us is a precious gift.
    But I gave it to the devil. Your time is your own. Use it wisely; you won't pass this way again.
    God met all our needs, and He did it in a variety of ways. He never let us down—not one time. God is faithful!
    Let your character or moral disposition be free from love of money [including greed, avarice, lust, and craving for earthly possessions] and be satisfied with your present [circumstances and with what you have]; for He [God] Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not, [I will] not, [I will] not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let [you] down (relax My hold on you)! [Assuredly not!] Hebrews 13:5
    This is an excellent Scripture to use to encourage yourself when you have concern about whether or not God will come through and meet your needs.
    In this passage, the Lord is letting us know that we do not need to have our minds set on money, wondering how we are going to take care of ourselves, because He will take care of these things for us. He has promised never to fail us or forsake us.
    Do your part, but do not try to do God's part. The load is too heavy to bear—and if you're not careful, you will break under the weight of it.
    Don't worry. Trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) in the Lord and do good; so shall you dwell in the land and feed surely on His faithfulness, and truly you shall be fed (Psalm 37:3).
    That's a promise!
    Chapter 13
    A Judgmental, Critical and Suspicious Mind
    Judge not, that ye he not judged.
    Much torment comes to people's lives because of judgmental attitudes, criticism and suspicion. Multitudes of relationships are destroyed by these enemies.
    Once again, the mind is the battlefield.
    Thoughts—just "I think"—can be the tool the devil uses to keep a person lonely. People do not enjoy being around anyone who needs to voice an opinion about everything.
    To illustrate, I once knew a woman whose husband was a very wealthy businessman. He was generally very quiet, and she wanted him to talk more. He knew a great deal about a lot of things. She would get angry at him when they were in a group of people and someone would start a conversation on a subject about which her husband could have knowledgeably contributed much insight. He could have told them everything he knew, but he wouldn't.
    One evening after he and his wife had returned home from a party, she chastised him, saying, "Why didn't you speak up and tell those people what you knew about what they were talking about? You just sat there and acted as if you didn't know anything at all!"
    "I already know what I know," he replied. "I try to be quiet and listen so I can find out what others know."
    I would imagine that this was precisely why he was wealthy. He was also wise! Few people gain wealth without wisdom. And few people have friends without using wisdom in relationships.
    Being judgmental, opinionated and critical are three sure ways to see relationships dissolve. Satan, of course, wants you and me to be lonely and rejected, so he attacks our minds in these areas. This chapter, hopefully, will help us recognize wrong thought patterns as well as learn how to deal with suspicion.
    In Vine's An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, one of the Greek words translated judgment is partially defined as "a decision passed on the faults of others" and is cross-referenced to the word "condemnation."1 According to this same source, one of the

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