Bare Hearts
rapidly and loud from encountering Tony, and I fear for both our lives, but mostly I’m worried for Parker. I know he won’t back down if it comes down to it.
    “Just let it go, Parker,” I say tugging on his arm and, pulling him toward the car. Finally I manage to get us both in the car and the SUV floors it out of the air strip field, leaving a trail of dust behind.
    Parker slams his fists on the steering wheel, causing me to jump. “I swear if I knew what he was talking about I would tell you,” he says angrily. He puts the car in drive and drives really fast down the air strip angrily. Quite frankly, he is scaring me.
    “Parker, stop!” I yell as he slams on the brakes, halting the car. “Just let it go,” I say lightly touching his arm. He jerks his body back and gets out of the car, slamming the door shut in his wake.
    I get out of the car and walk over to him on the driver’s side. His arms are crossed over his chest and one ankle is overlapping the other as he leans against the car door. The pain his face shows; is breaking my heart. He just stares out in the distance at the wide open nothingness.
    “You have to know I would never do anything to hurt you.” He stands upright, gripping my neck while his thumb grazes my jawline, looking deeply into my eyes. I could stare at his blue eyes for eternity; they show so much emotion, and they grow dark when he gets mad. His touch calms my heart and that’s enough for me.
    “I know you wouldn’t.” I close my eyes enjoying the feeling of his hand against my face. I feel so much loyalty from Parker and the spark between is something I don’t think I’ll get use too. I’ve never felt this with anyone else.
    “Let’s go,” he says, turning to the car.
    We arrive back at his house in less than ten minutes. Once inside, I grab a bottle of water and throw him one as he sits on the couch. “How’s your rib?” I ask, concerned and trying to change the subject.
    “Still a little sore,” he catches the bottle and lifts his shirt up for me to see.
    He doesn’t wince with pain when I lightly touch it. “You should still ice it some while we’re here. Maybe we should go upstairs and get some rest. I need a shower first, though,” I say pulling my shirt away from my chest from the stickiness outside.
    Knowing we didn’t get much sleep last night, sleep is all I can think about at this point. Parker lazily relaxes on the bed while I take a shower. The hot water feels so nice as it erases away the dirt from the air strip, as well as the grim that Tony’s presence seemed to bring with it. Outside the shower, I wrap my body in a towel as I clear the mirror of the dew. My face is starting to look pale and my body is shrinking from the nerves I’ve had dealing with from my mom’s death, and everything after that. I towel dry my hair as I silently wish that my father is out of my life for good now that he has the money. But somehow I doubt it. Back in the bedroom, Parker is fast asleep and I don’t have the heart to wake him to change his clothes. I cover him up with the blanket that is spread on the edge of the bed. My heart melts for this man. I think I could actually love him, just maybe.
    Quietly, I put on my pajamas and slip into bed, trying not to wake him. Turning out the light, I quickly fall asleep. A few hours later, I awake when I feel the bed shaking. I realize it’s Parker having a nightmare. Placing my hand on his arm, I push it, trying to wake him up.
    “What, huh?” He says groggily.
    “You were having a nightmare,” I whisper. His face looks of shock as he registers what just happened.
    “Oh my god, Lily,” he says, sitting up in bed. He brings his knees to his chest, running his hands through his hair. “Where did you say your mom’s accident was?”
    “I don’t think we ever discussed it. But she was heading east on Emerald Street. Why do you ask?”
    He covers his mouth and there is a look of shock in his eyes. “Oh my god, that

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