Bad Son Rising

Bad Son Rising by Julie A. Richman Page A

Book: Bad Son Rising by Julie A. Richman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julie A. Richman
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it just right, “When I had the opportunity to work with this man here,” he gestured to William, “I knew putting school on hold was the only thing I could do. You two are in for an amazing experience. What he has been able to execute for so many villages is really going to blow you away. You are going to be so proud of what your money is going to do,” he hit them with an assumptive close, “and this weekend you are going to meet the children that are going to be living to their fifth birthdays because of you.”
    He paused and offhandedly asked, “How old are India and Oscar now?” The killing blow. He was just glad he was able pull those two names out of his ass.
    “Four and seven,” the beauty responded.
    Zac nodded solemnly, his eyes grave, “So, you know.” He continued to nod.
    She nodded in agreement, her eyes already misting over.
    Turning to William, “Well, I won’t hold you up anymore.” And then to the couple, “It was so great to see you. I can’t wait to tell my dad that you’re going to be a part of this. He’s going to love hearing that.” Try backing out of this now.
    With last hugs, Zac left the administration hut. I should get a fucking Academy Award, making that douche look like a freaking hero to them and he’s going to look like a freaking hero to his boss when they write that big-assed check.
    What does Lily see in that guy? he wondered.

    The moon was still massive and low in the sky as the night’s festivities hit full throttle. A cleaned up Zac was looking bad boy hot in faded, ripped jeans and an untucked button down with the sleeves rolled halfway up his tan, muscular forearms, his irreverent lock of hair slashing across his forehead.
    The talk around camp was about the hot model and her rich looking husband who had left with William on the donor trip and whether or not they’d be funding projects.
    “They’re from California, do you know them?” Jake asked.
    Practically spitting out his beer, “It’s a big state, mate, with like 38 million people.” Zac didn’t want to let on that he knew the prospective donors.
    “Well, you knew Lily, and you’re both from California.”
    “We’re actually from the same town and our dads are involved in a project together.”
    “Were you friends with her?” Matt joined the conversation, sweaty cold beer in hand.
    “We’d only met once before, a few years ago. Our town is close to 100,000 people and I was in school 3,000 miles away for high school.” Zac tried not to be conspicuous as he scanned the crowd for her.
    Arianna Grande’s Break Free began to play and the makeshift dance floor immediately filled up. It had been a few weeks since their last dance party and the ups and downs of failed systems, repaired systems, functional systems, head-banging how the hell are we going to fix this systems all played out in hot, grinding moves in the night. The crew danced closer together than they needed to, as if they were in a packed nightclub. The energy of their body heat was insanely sexually charged, pounding to the heavy bass of the music.
    Niles and one of his guys appeared with a small generator and what looked like a framed frosted glass panel with lights mounted on the bottom. Heading over to where the burly Brit was squatted next to his equipment, Zac went to check out what he was up to, stopping along the way to bring him and his helper each a cold beer.
    “Hey, what’s this?” Zac squatted next to him.
    “As soon as it gets a little darker, all will be revealed.” He focused on his beer.
    “Looks like we’ve got some kind of light machine here,” Zac continued to check out the gadget. “You’re totally turning this into a rave, dude.”
    “I’m trying.” Niles began to nurse his second beer, his spirits definitely on the lighter side than usual. “Ahh, they’re playing my song,” and he shuffled onto the dance floor as Afrojack’s Ten Feet Tall began to play, his huge frame lumbering awkwardly with

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