Bad Nerd Falling
project because his word is law. He plans to research this and
he will discover
what’s wrong.”
    “ Graham hasn’t said much
good about Bertram.” Maria bit her lip.
    “ Maks’ words weren’t
repeatable. He’s going to assist Aleksi, but he was pretty upset
when I showed him the file I collected on your wages.”
    “ What does all this mean?”
Helena was still pale, but now looked perplexed.
    “ Money isn’t of much
interest to you?” Tia smiled. The woman was a brilliant scientist
but couldn’t balance her own checking account.
    “ No, I’ve never understood
it. It baffles me and is so frustrating I generally don’t pay much
attention to it.” Helena scowled. “I hate finances.”
    Maria patted her. “You need an
accountant, Helena.”
    “ Or someone in your life
who is good with numbers.”
    “ Why don’t you have Maks
take a look at your finances? He can fix them.” Maria’s suggestion
was more of an order.
    “ He already does.” Helena
sounded a little guilty.
    “ Is Vlad good with money?”
She asked because she was nosy.
    “ Yes. He’s got a good head
for numbers. There isn’t much Vlad can’t do.” Maria’s face turned
    Tia nodded. “He seems very
    “ He is. Sometimes I worry
he’s too capable.”
    Because that statement
puzzled her, she left it alone. How could
someone be too capable? From Helena’s
bemused expression, it appeared she didn’t follow Maria’s thoughts
    Maria appeared to be very aware of
what she said though as she turned to rifle through her sampling
    “ You didn’t follow that
    Helena whispered back.
“ No .”
    “ That at least makes two
of us.”
    “ Right,” Helena replied
but she sounded… odd.
    “ What’s wrong?”
    Helena was silent for long moments.
“The more I learn about Vlad the more I realize I know nothing
about him.”
    “ And?”
    “ It’s hard to date someone
you know nothing about.” Helena chewed on her lower lip for a
moment. “How can I date a man whose entire life is a
    “ I don’t know.” She felt
for her. “Don’t you think you’re putting a lot of pressure on
yourself? New relationships are always exciting but also hard.
Shouldn’t you give this more time?”
    “ Yes, that’s exactly what
I need to do.” Helena didn’t sound convinced in the least. In fact
she sounded morose and unhappy.
    Her heart dropped, but she wasn’t certain

Chapter 12
    “ Beau wants to meet my
    Helena glanced up at him as he walked
her home that afternoon. He was distracted by those green eyes.
“That’s what he said this morning.”
    “ Is that a good
    Her shrug wasn’t reassuring. “I don’t
know why it wouldn’t be. They’re only going to meet. It’s not like
we’re arranging for their marriage.”
    She seemed unusually quiet and a
little down. After their frolic in the lab, he had been looking
forward to seeing her this afternoon. Maybe indulging in more
kisses. Except she not only wasn’t receptive, she appeared to have
taken at least one step back in their relationship.
    “ Helena, did I do
something wrong?” He wasn’t familiar with relationships so he was
treading on unknown ground. Still, even he could tell the ice was
thin and cracking and the water underneath wasn’t going to be
comfortable. He gauged the ensuing conversation wasn’t going to be
    She looked surprised. “No.”
    “ Then what’s wrong?” Were
all females this difficult or just his? He combed through his
memories of childhood but couldn’t recall his mother’s moods. Or
how his father had dealt with them. Maybe he needed to bring in a
professional here. Except Emerson was busy with some dignitaries
who were due to arrive soon.
    His father was in a day-long meeting.
That left him on his own since Aleksi wasn’t married yet and Maks,
although his brother, didn’t seem inclined to help him. He needed
to repair that rift. Except he didn’t

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