Bad Girl Lessons

Bad Girl Lessons by Seraphina Donavan, Wicked Muse Page B

Book: Bad Girl Lessons by Seraphina Donavan, Wicked Muse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Seraphina Donavan, Wicked Muse
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half in love with him your whole life. Did you really think you could get tangled up with him and not get your emotions involved?”
    “I’d hoped. He asked me to move in with him. I know it’s quick. I mean, it was just over a week ago that I was supposed to be marrying Trevor!”
    “Evie, darlin’, Trevor was never right for you. You only ever went out with him because your mother kept pushing you in that direction. Move in with Jackson, have lots of amazing sex, and take a chance for once in your life. Even if it doesn’t work out, isn’t it worth it?”
    “You’re right. I need to stop worrying and just enjoy the ride.”
    Cass’ smile faded, “Oh, shit! Evie!”
    Evie glanced over her shoulder just in time to see Trevor step out from behind the hedges. The gun in his hand sent cold chills racing up her spine. “Trevor--”
    “Just shut the fuck up! Not a word!” he hissed and reached past Evie to grab Cass’ arm. He pulled her roughly to him and shoved the barrel of the gun against her ribs. “Since I know you would do anything in the world for your slut friend, you are going to walk in front of us to my car. If you balk, if you scream, if you so much as twitch, I will put a bullet in her.”
    “Don’t do it, Evie,” Cass said. “If he gets us away from the other guests, we don’t stand a chance!”
    Trevor gripped Cass’ hair and pulled it hard, making her stumble. “You don’t stand a chance now, you fucking cunt! I have nothing left to lose!”
    Knowing that it was true and knowing just how desperate he was, Evie nodded. “I’ll go with you, Trevor, and I won’t make any trouble at all. Just promise me that when we get to the parking lot, you’ll let Cass go. By the time she gets back here, we’ll be long gone.”
    He nodded jerkily and motioned for her to walk. With every step Evie took her heart got heavier. Fear clutched at her, for herself and for Cass. By the time they reached the parking lot her heart was pounding frantically in her chest and cold sweat trickled down her spine, in spite of the heat. She headed toward’s Trevor’s Volvo. It was covered in mud and dust. “Get in the car, behind the wheel,” he ordered.
    Evie followed his directions and then screamed as she saw him bring the gun crashing down against Cass’ temple. When he climbed into the car, Evie was frantic, but he put the key in the ignition and turned it on. “Now drive, or I will fucking shoot her where she lays!”
    Evie clenched her shaking hands around the steering wheel and eased out of the parking space. In the rearview mirror, she could see Cass’ crumpled body slumped agains the other car. “Trevor, I don’t know what you’re planning--”
    “I’m planning,” he said, “To ransom your fat ass back to Jackson and use the money to disappear before I wind up like Lisa!”
    “What happened, Trevor? What’s this all about?” Evie demanded, hoping that if she could keep him talking she might be able to come up with a plan.
    “I made that stupid bet, but I had this hot tip from Lisa’s boyfriend... They’d paid off one of the refs to make a couple of bad calls during the game. It was supposed to be a sure thing and I would have made a fortune. But then they made that fucking tackle and the ref got hit! The stupid fucker got knocked out and they had to bring in someone else and it all went south... I had put a quarter million down, but I could only come up with half. So, Lisa’s boyfriend offered to let me make the rest in payments, if I would shuffle some funds around for him, make the money look a little cleaner!”
    “You were set up from the get go,” she said, hoping to placate him. If she could appease him, she thought, maybe she could convince him to let her go.
    “Exactly! That fucking bitch hung me out to dry! She helped me forge the loan documents to borrow the money and I paid off everything I could. Did a few deposits and withdrawals for them, and then told them I wanted

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