Bad Blood

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Book: Bad Blood by Shannon West Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shannon West
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skin. “Kill you? It would be a shame to destroy someone like you. I’m not going to kill you, Blaine—I’m going to claim you. From this moment on, you’ll belong to me, mind, body and spirit. And make no mistake—you’ll be my bitch .”
    Before Blaine could react, Kerrick pulled him to his feet and twisted him around to face the throng of onlookers. Pulling Blaine’s body up tight against his own, he wrapped his massive arms around him like iron bands. His strength was incredible. Blaine was six feet tall himself and no lightweight, but this huge alpha manhandled him as if he were a child.
    “I claim this pack and everyone in it as a prize of war. From this moment on, the Gray Wolf pack is no more. We’re taking over your home and your territory. All the Gray Wolf survivors will be offered to the Dire Pack as mates. You’ll become one of us, and your blood will mix with our own.”
    Blaine heard the shocked gasps and cries of his pack and dropped his gaze, too devastated to look into their eyes. He could only hang within the hard grip of Kerrick’s arms, his knees too weak to hold him up properly as Kerrick made his final pronouncement. “I claim Blaine, your former alpha, as my prize—and take him for my mate .”
    Kerrick sank his fangs into the back of Blaine’s neck, the pain so sharp, so exquisite, that Blaine’s head reeled with it. He cried out, his vision dimming as the venom shot into his veins, then spread through his body like hot lava, blazing a path of fire and leaving molten stone behind. He felt the rough tongue of his new master—his new alpha—scrape along the edges of the bite, sealing his fate. According to the laws of their kind, his body had been claimed as a mate. He was now owned by this man.
    When he felt the venom reach his groin, his body felt like it was on fire, a burning pain that didn’t consume him but settled in to possess him. It felt as if a fiery hand clutched at his balls and held them tightly in its grip. Just as Kerrick had promised him, he was claiming Blaine’s body, along with his mind and spirit, leaving him no refuge. Closing his eyes, he resisted the invasion fiercely, with all his strength, not allowing the fire to engulf him, nor the darkness at the perimeter of his vision to edge closer. He felt a rumbling in Kerrick’s chest as he growled in his ear.
    “You’re strong, pet, but it’s useless to resist. Say it! Tell them all you belong to me. Tell them you’re mine.” He twisted Blaine’s face around with one strong hand and bent to taste him. Thrusting his tongue into Blaine’s mouth, he swept over the inside possessively until Blaine struggled to breathe.
    “You’re mine. Say it!” He tightened his grip around his waist and jerked Blaine’s hips back against him. Blaine could feel Kerrick’s enormous erection pressed against his ass. “Say it, or I’ll take you here and now in front of all of them.”
    “Do what you have to do,” Blaine managed to say, struggling for breath. “Just try not to wake me if I start to doze off.”
    A short laugh was startled out of Kerrick, but he bent his head and whispered in Blaine’s ear. “You will say it, sooner or later. And I have all the time in the world to wait.” Kerrick bit his neck again, reopening the tender wound. Blaine felt the pain and the lust and the blood ooze down his neck, across his chest and move directly to his groin. Shuddering, he closed his eyes and finally allowed the blessed darkness to take him over.

Chapter One
    When Blaine thought back about the beginning of the thing, he realized it had been insidious and subtle. Little wonder then, that none of them had truly understood the danger until it was too late. The Dire Wolves had been in his pack’s territory, staking their claim almost before the Grays ever knew they were there, or even what they were.
    Blaine’s pack of Grays had heard the legends of the Dire Wolves, of course, but had thought the stories were just

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