Baby-Sitters Beware

Baby-Sitters Beware by Ann M. Martin Page B

Book: Baby-Sitters Beware by Ann M. Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann M. Martin
was an odd, unsettling incident. But when I saw all that excellent new powder covering the slopes, I forgot about Mr. Federman.
    We decided to split up. I wanted to head for a beginner trail, to warm up. Stacey wanted to practice on the little slope where the lessons for beginners were given (it was hardly more than a bump).
    "It’s a good idea to start out slow," said Abby, looking thoughtfully up the mountain. "I'm not familiar with these slopes. I mean, sure a green circle means beginner and a slope marked with a blue square means intermediate and all. But I think I'd better check out what they mean by intermediate before I do the expert runs. . . . Claudia, you want to go with me?"
    "Gee, thanks. You think I could handle a big intermediate slope?" said Claudia in a sarcastic tone of voice.
    Stacey and I exchanged a surprised glance. Why was Claudia being so prickly? And so rude to Abby? I mean, sure Abby is a little
    bossy, a little overwhelming, but she didn't mean anything by it.
    Abby, who hasn't known Claudia all that long, just laughed. "Sure," she said.
    "I'm just surprised you're not starting out on the black diamond trails," Claudia said.
    Stacey said quickly, "Even I know those are for the super experts, Claudia. No one does those unless they're practically in the Olympics."
    "Well. ..." Abby said, and grinned modestly. "Come on, Stacey. Once you're warmed up, you're going to be moguling all over this mountain."
    "Moguling? You mean hitting bumps and flying into the air?"
    "And landing without falling," agreed Abby.
    "Let’s meet back here in about an hour for a hot-chocolate break," I suggested.
    Everyone agreed, and we went our separate ways.
    Abby was right. A couple of slides down the practice slope and Stacey was ready for the beginners' runs. It all came back to her, just like riding a bike.
    Stacey shivered. "It’s getting colder."
    "Don't say that!" I exclaimed. "You know if it gets too cold it won't snow anymore."
    Stacey laughed. "I guess when I start moving, I'll warm up."
    "I have some extra glove liners and socks in my gear bag. You can borrow some when we take our hot chocolate break," I said.
    "Great," said Stacey. "See you then."
    "See ya," I replied, and headed toward a lift in the opposite direction.
    Stacey got in line for the nearest beginner trail. There were only a couple of people ahead of her.
    She was cool about skiing, now, but she'd forgotten how to get in the lift chair. Hesitating, she missed the first chair and then the second before she hit the timing right. She was embarrassed, even though the lift operator at the bottom was cool about it, and no one was behind her in line.
    Once she was in the lift, she forgot her embarrassment. She looked around, marveling at how snow made everything look different. Mysterious. Special.
    At first she didn't even notice that the lift had stopped.
    Then she thought that it had just stopped for a moment because someone was having trouble getting off, just as she had had trouble getting on.
    Then she realized that she was the only one
    on the lift. And that the snow was blowing harder, and the lift chair was swinging back and forth.
    And it was getting even colder.
    "Hey!" she said. "Hey! Hello!"
    No one answered. A tiny figure skied by below and disappeared down the slope. Stacey peered up ahead. She couldn't see anyone in the lift booth. It was barely visible in the swirling snow.
    "Hello!" she shouted. "Hello?"
    Still no answer.
    This is silly, thought Stacey. She waited. And waited.
    And felt colder and colder.
    "Hello!" she called. And then, beginning to panic, "Help! Help!"
    She was stuck on the ski lift.
    It was the sudden blast of snow that sidetracked me, sending me spinning almost out of control. The snow wasn't anywhere near up to blizzard speed yet, I'd decided. In fact, it was falling nice and evenly. No visibility problems.
    Excellent powder.
    After those beginner slopes I'd tried an intermediate. I checked my watch and decided

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