experienced by the undersigned and suggestions by same
PLACE AND DATE: Iquitos, 8 September 1956
The undersigned, Capt. (Quartermaster) Pantaleón Pantoja, PA, Chief of the SSGFRI, respectfully presents himself to Gen. Felipe Collazos, Chief of Administration, Supply and Logistics of the Army, salutes him and reports:
1. (a) That in the entire Amazon District there exists the belief that the red species of porpoise (the dolphin of the Amazon rivers) is a creature of considerable sexual potency, which induces it, with the aid of the devil or of evil spirits, to rape as many women as it can in order to satisfy its instincts, and that to accomplish this end it adopts a human form that is so virile and handsome that no female can resist it. (b) That owing to said belief, another belief has become common: porpoise oil increases the sexual drive, making the male irresistible to the female and creating an enormous market for the product in stores and markets. (c) That the undersigned decided to personally carry out an experiment with the purpose of determining in what form this popular belief, superstition or scientific fact could have a bearing on the problem that gave rise to and lies at the foundation of the Special Service. Setting to work with the pretext of a doctor’s prescription, he requested his beloved mother and his dear wife to prepare all meals at home with porpoise oil as their basic ingredient, with the results set forth here:
2. (a) That starting with the second day the undersigned experienced a sudden increase in sexual appetite, the abnormality accentuating itself on the following days to the point that on the last two days of the week dirty thoughts and the virile act were the only ideas occupying his mind, as much during the day as at night (dreams, nightmares), with serious detriment to his powers of concentration, his nervous system in general and his effectiveness at work. (b) That he consequently found himself with the need to solicit from his wife and to obtain from her, during the week in question, intimate relations on an average of twice daily, with a resulting irritation and surprise of the same, since the undersigned was in the habit of having relations of an intimate matrimonial nature at a rate of once every ten days before coming to Iquitos and once every three days after arriving, because, undoubtedly due to factors already identified by his superiors (heat, humidity), the undersigned had registered an increase of the seminal impulse from the very day he set foot on Amazonian ground. (c) That at the same time, he was able to confirm that the aphrodisiacal function of porpoise oil is registered only in the man, although he cannot discount the fact that his spouse, affected by the stimulant in question, disguised it with great fortitude on account of the natural feelings of modesty and decorum in any lady who deserves that name, as the undersigned is proud to say is the case with his good wife;
3. (a) That in his desire to spare no efforts for the optimum completion of the mission that his superiors have entrusted to him and even at a risk to his physical health and family stability, the undersigned likewise decided to personally test some of the recipes that folk wisdom and the lust of the people of Loreto suggest for the restoration or strengthening of virility, vulgarly referred to, forgive the expression, as “raising the dead” or, even worse, “cock cures.” The undersigned refers only to some recipes, because in this part of the country the preoccupation with everything to do with sex is so keen and diverse that there are literally thousands of compounds of this sort, a fact that makes it impossible, even with the best of intentions, for an isolated individual to exhaust the list even if he is prepared to sacrifice his life for the experiment. (b) That the undersigned feels duty bound to concede that this is a question of folk wisdom and not of
Dean Koontz
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