
Aurora by Mark Robson Page A

Book: Aurora by Mark Robson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mark Robson
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her all into climbing as fast as she could. Pell tried to project their trajectory ahead to see where
they were going to impact the rocky slope, but he could not quite see far enough. The valley twisted gently to the left ahead.
    Tucked down in the narrow valley, they were no more than fifty spans clear of the rocks below and had about double that to either side. A night dragon screeched behind them. Pell wanted to look
back, but was fixated on the ground ahead.
    ‘Darkhorn was forced to land,’
Shadow said, her voice sounding smug.
‘She and her rider are unharmed, but she is not happy about having to climb the rocks to follow
    ‘How can any dragon land here?’
Pell asked, amazed to hear the dragon and rider managed to do so without injury.
Shadow told him.
‘It is not so hard for a healthy dragon, but it is easy to make mistakes when one is tired. Look! We’re nearly at the
    Shadow was right. They were just rounding the slight turn and the top of the pass was no more than a few hundred paces ahead. They were only about fifteen spans above the rocks now, but the
gradient was decreasing and Pell could see they were going to reach the crest without having to touch down. Secure in this knowledge, Pell glanced back over his shoulder. Only one night dragon was
in sight. It was Longtail. Pell’s eyes lingered on her for a moment. Her wings were beating hard and deep, but her labour was paying off. She would also make the top of the pass without
having to land.
    The change from climb to descent was abrupt. For the briefest instant, Pell felt lighter than air as Shadow coasted over the top of the pass and dipped into a steep dive. Another wide valley
between lines of mountains was a welcome sight. He scanned left and right for any sign of a likely place to lose the night dragons.
    ‘I think we’d do better to turn left along this valley when you can, Shadow,’
he suggested.
‘Take us deeper into the range. We should have more chance of losing
them there.’
    ‘I agree,’
she replied.
    Shadow initially followed the line of the pass on the other side of the ridge, giving several powerful accelerating beats to stretch her lead on the night dragons. She stayed close to the
surface, skimming across the rocky terrain as she converted every span of height into forward momentum. Pell looked back and was surprised to see Longtail did not follow their lead. Instead she
cruised out over the top of the ridge, maintaining her height, choosing to keep the advantages of visibility and potential energy rather than commit to a low-level chase.
    As soon as Shadow realised what the other night dragon was doing, she made a deliberate turn to the left and eased away from the surface, converting some of her speed into height, but doing her
best to fly fast enough to stay ahead.
    ‘Longtail is wily,’
she observed.
‘I was hoping to draw her into a straight chase, but she’s outmanoeuvred me and gained the advantage. I’m afraid we
could be in trouble here.’
    ‘I’ve got an idea that could tip the balance in our favour,’
Pell said.
‘We need to find a narrow box canyon. Preferably one with no room to turn around without
    ‘What do you have in mind, Pell?’
Shadow asked, curious.
    Pell told her.
    Shadow did not reply for some time. Pell could feel her thinking his suggestion through. When she did finally speak, her response was not quite what Pell expected.
    ‘It is terribly risky,’
she said slowly.
‘If we’re too close to Longtail when we try it, we could all get killed.’
    ‘Surely everything’s risky, isn’t it? It’s two against one. This gives us the element of surprise.’
    ‘You’re right,’
she agreed.
‘I doubt there are many dragons who would attempt it. My hesitation stems from my inability to decide if your plan demonstrates
boldness or insanity!’
    ‘There’s a night dragon right behind your tail . . . and it’s not Shadow!’ Nolita

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