Audition - Southern Belles Part 1 (Erotic Romance Series)

Audition - Southern Belles Part 1 (Erotic Romance Series) by Amanda Heartley Page A

Book: Audition - Southern Belles Part 1 (Erotic Romance Series) by Amanda Heartley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Heartley
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Polish?  He looked back down at the papers before him. “So? Begin.”
    She swallowed hard. She expected a little more questioning or at least politeness before she began. Apparently Mr. High-and-Mighty had more important things to do than to actually consider her for the part. She scowled and took a deep breath, calming herself. She’d show him. She’d give him the best reading of his life.
    Straightening her back, she launched into the reading, giving it her all. She wasn’t just reading Kate, she was Kate. When she finished, slightly out of breath from the emotions of the part, she stood in front of him, panting. His hand idly reached out to grab her résumé off of one stack, slipping it into another.
    “Thank you for coming in,” he said, his voice sounding bored. “Tell Daveed to send in the next girl.”
    Annie stood appalled, feeling cheated. “Mr. Rossen!” she exclaimed, finding her voice.
    At last, he glanced up, his piercing eyes meeting hers. “Yes?”
    “I may not have the best résumé, and I might not be the most beautiful or most sexy woman trying out for this part, but I demand your respect and attention. I am perfect for this part, and I am not walking out of here until you watch me do this audition!” She exhaled.
    One of his eyebrows rose slightly, but she didn’t wait for his response. While she had his attention, she launched back into the reading, throwing all of h er fire and frustration into it. When she finished, she nodded, “Thank you for your time, Mr. Rossen,” turning to leave.
    “Yes, thank you. We’ll be in touch,” he said, slipping her file into a different pile. Feeling triumphant, and a little surprised at herself, she stormed out of the room and into the hallway, slamming into Daveed. Her purse and portfolio crashed to the floor, the contents spilling out across the foyer. “I’m so sorry,” she looked at him, hurriedly putting her things back in her purse; He grabbed her portfolio and handed it to her. “Hey, no problem, I know he can be pretty brutal sometimes.” She smiled a weak smile, taking her things from his hand. “Thanks.” Tears welling up in her eyes.
    He turned to yell to whoever was listening. “ Gertie, I’m gonna take my lunch, be back in an hour!”
    “Sweetie, you need a hug. Let’s go over here to Starbucks and get a mocha frappuccino. Frappuccino can cure anything. I know Vic can be a royal bitch sometimes, but girl, have you seen that ass?”
    Annie was shocked, who was this guy and was Mr. Rossen gay? Is that why he acted like that? “Uhm…..sure. Hi, I’m Annie.” Sticking out her hand.
    “Girl , I know who you are, I checked you in… and if you’re wondering, yes, I’m gay and no, Vic is not.”
    “Mr. Rossen, I work for him. Well, Gertie and I work for him; he’s way too much man for one assistant, so we take turns. I tell you what, sweet cheeks, if we swung for the same team, I promise you I’d be his wife!” He giggled, slapping his thigh. “By the way, I’m Daveed,” rolling his eyes. “It’s Mexican, don’t ask,” throwing his palm up in the air.
    Laughing a little, “Well, after that audition, I don’t think anyone listens to me either!” she took a sip of her frappuccino, calming down. Daveed was yapping about how Gertie had been trying to get in Mr. Rossen’s pants and almost got fired and about some Hollywood rumors, while Annie just smiled and sipped, taking it all in. He seemed to know a lot about Hollywood. Wonder just how much clout he has?
    “ Well, Daveed, I have really enjoyed chatting with you, but I do have to run off to work. Here’s my number if you ever want to meet for a frappuccino, next time, my treat!” smiling as she quickly scribbled her number on a napkin, handing it to him and hurrying to her car. She couldn’t be late for work, not today anyway. Wall Street was having a dinner party at the restaurant she worked at and that meant huge tips. She loved it when rich men

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