Attached (Coronado Series Book 3)

Attached (Coronado Series Book 3) by Lea Hart Page A

Book: Attached (Coronado Series Book 3) by Lea Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lea Hart
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She began sitting up, and he pulled her down and laid his mouth against hers. Her breath caught as his soft lips caressed her mouth. She broke the connection and rolled over. “I’m hungry-where are we going to eat?”
    Travis watched her roll off the bed and understood that she was battling what was happening between them. He was going to have to figure out how to deal with it, because he didn’t want her so spooked that she fled. “I’ll take you to breakfast, since we don’t have any groceries yet. How does that sound?”
    She looked at him with soft eyes. “Perfect.”
    “I’ll make coffee while you shower, and then I’ll jump in. He got up, pulled on his boxers and noticed she stood there with a dazed look on her face. “Get in the shower woman, if you want to be fed.” That seemed to bring her out her stupor, because she smiled and turned toward the bathroom.  
    He walked into the kitchen and made the coffee. While it was brewing, he checked his phone and was relieved that nothing needed his attention right away. He was waiting to hear from his mom about the results of his sister’s board exams. It was the last step in her long journey to achieving her dream, and he couldn’t wait to hear the good news.  
    He poured two cups and added sugar to one and took them into the bedroom. He heard the water shut off and knocked on the door. Opening it slowly, he watched her step out of the shower and felt another wave of longing wash over his body. This was how it was going to be between them, desire sitting on the edge of consciousness, waiting to claim them. He decided the hungry wolf look wasn’t going to win him points, so he smiled and put her coffee on the counter. “I’m going to get in the other shower. See you in a few.”
    She watched him close the door and let out a big breath. The man was a walking advertisement for sex. He was tall, well-built and commanding and for the first time in her life she was dealing with an alpha male and had no idea what to do. Her first instinct was to run away. Her second instinct was to run toward it….Her instincts sucked. She took a sip of coffee and sighed. It was perfect. Of course he makes great coffee.


    Cary sat on the couch, waited for Travis to get dressed and decided to catch up on her life. She read her e-mails and her horoscope, checked the weather and then made sure that she had her files for the house on her iPad. She heard Max walk in and turned around. He wore a Henley that stretched lovingly across his massive chest and blue jeans that were taut across his thighs. She swallowed and took a quick sip of coffee to help her dry throat. Dressed or naked, the man was hard to resist, and she wasn’t sure why she was trying to in the first place.
    He gave her a quick smile and gathered his keys and phone. “Are you ready to go?”
    She stood up, gathered her stuff and shoved it into her bag. “Absolutely-I’m hungry.” She watched a frown appear on his face and followed his gaze as it met with her suitcase.
    “Why is your suitcase by the door?”
    “Because I’m going to get my car today. Once I speak with Adam, I’ll decide what kind of arrangements I need to make for the rest of the summer.”
    “There are no arrangements. You’re staying here.”
    “I’m not staying here, because that would be imposing.”
    “That’s not imposing. That’s you staying with me…here you should be….with me.”
    She saw his stubborn mulish look and tried not to laugh. “Travis, if I stay with you, that would be like the one-night stand from hell. People might want to write a book about it or make a movie of the week. I think it’s lovely of you to offer, but I could never consider it.”
    “You don’t need to consider it. It’s already done. You’re staying with me.”
    She could see that he was going to put up a big fight, and she didn’t feel like having one before breakfast. “Thank you. That’s very generous of you. I’ll spend one

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