At One's Pleasure

At One's Pleasure by Kelly Lucille Page A

Book: At One's Pleasure by Kelly Lucille Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Lucille
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she can't
fly, and probably has."
blinked, she knew she was staring but really, the man was potent when he gave
you his full attention.  She heard Jacob growl beside her and cleared her
throat.  "I guess I won't worry so much about riding in a little baby planelette
    "It's a
Lear jet," Griffin grumbled, exasperated.
    Logan tipped
his head back and laughed.
    Wow, even
better when he smiles.  Ay Carumba.
    He nodded
respectfully at Becca.  She could easily picture him on a horse tipping a
cowboy hat.  "Ma'am, it'll be a pleasure keeping you safe while you're
introduced to the pack."
blinked.  "While I'm what?"

Chapter 10
    They had
managed to distract her long enough to bundle her into the jet.  Now she was
sitting in a sinfully plush dark leather seat between Jacob and Linc with
Griffin watching her from across a small table.  Logan had disappeared after
Cleo, very neatly, while she was still trying to figure out what he was talking
    The plane
itself was worth a look.  Modern and comfortable, it had everything from a bar
to a flat screen, not to mention there was actually a bedroom and a full bath
on this modern marvel.  Just now, she was more interested in some answers.
thought I was coming to give Linc my support.  What exactly does meet the pack
entail, exactly?"  Becca would have been pacing but they were on a moving
airplane, so instead she was tapping her foot and very carefully touching no
what it sounds like," Griffin said.  "We are going to introduce you
as the Alpha female of our pack.  It'll give you a measure of safety among the
wolf packs.  As it stands right now, out in the world, you would be recognized
as a female alpha wolf without pack.  That's dangerous."
    She stopped
tapping.  "You mean they would try to kill me like they did Jacob?"
    "No one
would kill an alpha female; they are practically non-existent these days.  But
they would try to claim you."  Griffin’s eyes were hard and fixed on
hers.  "This way you are an acknowledged member of our pack and mated by
wolf law."
you saying you have some kind of wolf government?"
an understanding that all wolves abide by.  Most shapeshifter groups have
them.  Some more than others."
she said, holding up her hand to stop him.  "There are other types of
shapeshifters?  Really?"
kinds actually," Linc said from beside her.  "Cleo is a Lion
shifter.  They have a different set of rules.  Though I believe Cleo lives
outside Lion society with her father and brother.  It's an unusual situation,
especially since theirs is the only group I know of that has different flavors
of animal shifters working together."
a Lion?  Really?"  She could see that, actually.  With all her golden
gorgeousness and fluid way of moving.  "Crazy.  Hey, Logan is a wolf
right?  Not something else?"
Griffin said, his voice going rough.  "And he's going to be a dead wolf if
you keep flirting with him."
    "I was
not flirting with him."  She looked him up and down, smirking.  "I
have enough on my plate, thank you.  I innocently looked at him because he was
talking and my eyes got stuck a few times.  That's not flirting; it’s an
involuntary girl reaction to a hot cowboy.  It's encoded in our genes or
something.  Not actually my fault that you shapeshifters are all hunks of
burning man love."
Griffin growled in warning.
Griffin?”  She huffed, sitting back in her seat.  "Are you going to tell
me what's going on, or keep trying to distract me with silly talk about Logan? 
We both know I didn't react to him the way I reacted to any of you.  So tell
me, please, what this meeting the pack entails and what it means, specifically
to me."
    Linc sighed
beside her.  "It means you will be meeting more than one pack at the
funeral.  Just a few people from each, but enough are coming for the funeral of
a respected pack enforcer, that it will be the

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