Astrid Cielo
sweetheart.   I'll be back
to pick you up and you'll see that everything will have been worked out.   Besides, I've gotta get some work done, too."
sighed then entered the restaurant.   He
sighed and got into the truck hoping what he'd told Aspen was true.   He whipped out his cell phone and was
relieved when Skylar answered after only a couple of rings.
is she?"
    "Worried and with good reason.   Do we need to get a lawyer?"
only half joked because despite his faith in Skylar's ability to get them out
of a mess they'd no hand in, he was worried.
contacted the Council and I've been given my orders."
voice sent chills up his spine.   It was
the same each time he was ordered to execute a shifter who killed.   He knew how much Sky hated it, how morose he
was after the kill.   Of course, in
retrospect, it was probably what made Xavier love Sky even more, Sky's obvious
hate for ending a life.
sorry, Sky."
    "Yeah, me too.   Look, I've got a lot of work to do so I'll
see you two back at the house tonight."
he got back to the house, Sky wasn't there.   A sense of emptiness washed over Xavier while he worked in an empty
house without his mates.   Surely that
emptiness would fade when Aspen was finally his.   His and Sky's.


of watching his target had finally paid off.   The black haired beauty with grey eyes settled into a kiss with the
dark-haired male with obvious devotion.   What a shame he'd have to end such true love.   He felt the edges of his mouth curl into a
smile.   All in good
time.   That wolf and his mates
would pay for what he'd done.
entered the restaurant called Haven’s and his belly growled.   It'd been a while since his last meal.   A girl with black hair cut in layers to her
shoulders and grey eyes smiled up at him.   His cock hardened at the sight of such beauty.
my name is Charisma, welcome to Havens.   Will there be just one?"
I'm currently unattached."
giggled and her face flooded with a most becoming pink.   Yes this one was perfect.
giggled again and he followed watching the enticing sway of her ass.   Strong and powerful legs that he couldn't
wait to feel around his waist as he pounded into her aching and wet core only
made her more desirable.   She would be
sweet.   She was the perfect mix of siren
and innocence.
we are.   Would you like to hear our
you're on the menu, Charisma, then I don't think
anything will compare."
smiled and blushed again.   It was so
insane how easy it was to lure them in.
    "If you'll give me a moment,
nodded and walked away, her grey eyes turning back for one more look.   She would definitely be fun.

Chapter 11

days of searching and still Skylar wasn't any closer to finding the responsible
party.   The first rays of sunlight were cresting
over the horizon and he felt the time away from Xavier and Aspen deep in his
bones.   Skylar stretched and allowed the
change to take him replacing the form of a man into that of a wolf.   He suppressed his wolf's need to howl and ran
the morning air cascading through his fur.   The need to be with his mates after barely seeing them for the past
three days beckoned his wolf to run faster.  
scent of blood stopped his wolf in its tracks.   He looked around his mind finally assimilating he was near the clearing
where he and Xavier had made love in what seemed like so many nights ago.   Could it have really been only three?  
wolf stopped and set his nose to the ground.   He walked slowly towards the scent and it became closer the more he
moved toward the bubbling creek that only added to the beauty of the small
opening within the forest.   His wolf
howled and Skylar allowed it.   The body
of the young female was too much of a shock for him to stop his wolf's
cry.   He

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