Assault on Ambrose Station: A Seth Donovan Novel

Assault on Ambrose Station: A Seth Donovan Novel by Jim C. Wilson Page A

Book: Assault on Ambrose Station: A Seth Donovan Novel by Jim C. Wilson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jim C. Wilson
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drugs, even the legal ones. Sure, there were ‘safe’ narcotics that people used, but I’d gotten by without having to poison my body with such chemicals for most of my life. The only time I had used was during combat drops in the Star Marines. Stims were a requirement of service.
    Narcotics in today’s society did serve a role. They were used for various reasons, besides recreational use. There were combat drugs, which enhanced reflexes and deadened pain receptors. Cognitive enhancing chemicals for better memory retention, deeper thinking and alertness. There were stimulants for all sorts of activities, such as sleep deprivation or muscle growth. Many biological augmentations required regular narcotic doses in order to function properly as well.
    Most, however, had drawbacks. Some cosmic balance that made regular use of such narcotics ill advised. I’d seen what people end up like if they allow their chemical dependencies to get the better of them.
    Besides, I did not need to try it to know if it was pure.
    What compounds are you looking for to know if it’s pure?
    You have a chem-tester?
    Sort of.
    Even better. Sending you a file now.
    A file opened on my overlay, will all sorts of molecular data showing up. I focused on one of the ampules and sent a flood of my nanites into the glass bubble. Although the chemical was sealed in a glass pod, nanites were small enough to pass through the molecules using a process called quantum tunnelling. Soon, I had the chemical composition of the substance arrayed on my overlay. I packaged the data and sent it back to Markum.
    Nice. It’s pure alright, he texted.
    What should I tell him?
    Tell him that you’ll take both of those crates. Have him deliver it to compartment T4-091-A3. Get him to give you his account, and I’ll forward the credits.
    I never pegged you for a drug dealer, Chief.
    I’m a business man. I do business. Today’s business is Ghantri chemicals. If you get through this without letting your scruples get in the way, tomorrow’s business will be combat grade fuel for your ship. Understood?
    I counted to ten under my breath, swallowed my pride and acknowledged the Chief’s retort. I could see that Wilson was getting impatient. I thought about taking more time just to piss him off even more, but I wanted to wash my hands of this as soon as possible.
    “Alright, Mr Graham. I’m interested. What are you asking for it?”
    “What are you offering?”
    Tell him 45k.
    “Forty-five thousand credits. Delivered straight into your account, right this minute.”
    No. Half now, half when I’ve checked the stock arrives.
    “Fifty thousand, and it’s all yours.” replied Wilson
    You slimy bastard! I said 45k!
    I chuckled to myself as I sent Wilson Graham the delivery location and he forwarded me his account information, which I passed onto Markum. You’ll make twice that at least, flogging off this poison. Consider it a bullshit fee. I knew you were setting me up for something stinky, Chief.
    There was no reply. I’d begun to think that I’d gone too far and blown it. I started to sweat.
    “I’d like to say it’s been a pleasure,” offered Graham, “But it hasn’t. Good day.”
    They started to file out, trolley in tow. Suddenly, Graham stiffened and put hand up to his ear. He turned to look at me with a look of fear.
    “What is it?” I said.
    “I’m being jammed. Is that you?”
    “Shit. We’re being busted! Get out of here, I’ll keep them busy!”
    “Keep who busy? Who are they?”
    I didn’t have to answer. There came an amplified voice calling out from the concourse below. “Military police! Put your hands in the air and remain stationary!”
    Damn, things were getting out of hand. Why didn’t the cameras show them? I mused. My Tactical App didn’t even point them out. The possibilities were troubling. One of the goons even put his hands up. I shook my head.
    “Okay, in a couple of seconds, shit’s going to hit the fan.” I

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