Assassin (The Billionaire Series)

Assassin (The Billionaire Series) by Murray McDonald Page B

Book: Assassin (The Billionaire Series) by Murray McDonald Read Free Book Online
Authors: Murray McDonald
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back into the
    “Lela, be good,” shouted Tom before the door closed.
    “What the hell are we doing? We can’t leave them out there,”
said Zach.
    “We’re going out the back way to get to the airfield. Zach,
they’ll be fine. If you want to worry about anybody worry about Yuri. I think
Lela may lose her temper with him. That wouldn’t be good.”
    “You guys are insane,” replied Zach.
    “The insane ones are those idiots in that gang. They’ve got no
idea who they’re messing with. I’ve seen Lela in action. They don’t stand a
chance,” said Ahmad.
    Zach gave in and followed the guys out of the back door. They
climbed into the school’s golf carts, ready to make their way to the airfield.
    “It appears your friends don’t think you’re worth helping,”
said Yuri, enjoying the moment.
    “Maybe they don’t think I need the help,” said Lela evenly,
adding “Chen, would you mind if I deal with these guys myself?”
    “Not at all, whatever,” he said as he relaxed against the wall
of the building.
    Yuri’s smile began to falter. He knew Lela was very good, he
had witnessed her in action the previous year. However this time, he had six
martial arts experts in his gang. All trained from a young age, they had all
won prizes in their respective countries and were all older than her. Why was
she not phased?
    It took him less than ten seconds to find out.
    His guys responded to her step forward, moving forward to take
her on. The first guy threw a punch which she deflected into a second punch
which another guy had thrown at her. The gang were not playing around. The
force in each of the punches was so strong that Lela’s deflection resulted in a
gut wrenching crunch as an   Indonesian fist collided with a Japanese one. When a high kick was
launched at her by the Korean, she waited until exactly the right moment before
twisting her body and again deflecting the trajectory of the attack. The force
of the assault was again massive, resulting in the Korean smashing into the
wall of the building and crumpling in a heap to the ground. The next two ran
and launched simultaneous assaults. Schoolboy error, thought Lela, as she
simply stepped out of the way and allowed the two boys to crash into each
other, resulting in a tangled heap of broken bones. The only gang member who
had not moved was the Japanese aikido expert. He had watched his less
experienced friends go down with little effort from Lela. In fact, she had not
thrown a single punch and five of his friends were in agony. He knew that only
a true master was capable of what Lela had just done. He walked towards her and
bowed deeply, offering his appreciation and recognition. He knew he was no
match for her and did the honourable thing. He helped his friends up and they
left, leaving Yuri and his gang to her mercy.
    Lela looked across to a very lonely Yuri. The rest of his gang
were slowly slinking away.
    “Well?” said Lela to Yuri. His gang stopped slinking and
started running.
    “Sorry,” replied Yuri before running away as fast as he could.
    Lela and Chen ran around the building and caught up with the
rest of their friends just as they were about to leave.
    “Well?” asked Tom.
    “Wicked!” replied Chen.
    “No!” was all Zach could say, observing that neither had
broken into a sweat nor had a hair out of place.
    Ten minutes later, Zach, Tom and Kisho were airborne and on their
way to Durban.

    Chapter 25

    “Fantastic!” said the President of the USA. He had said little
else since Beaumont had entered the office.
    “Donald Kennedy, in an African prison, charged with over 2,500
deaths! It just doesn’t get any better!” he said. “You, young man are a star,
well done.”
    “Thank you Mr President,” replied Beaumont.
    He had come into the office expecting peace and quiet. It was
usually empty on a Sunday. However, the President had been alerted to his
whereabouts and had arrived 20 seconds

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