Ash Rising (DEAd Series)

Ash Rising (DEAd Series) by Melissa Fox Page B

Book: Ash Rising (DEAd Series) by Melissa Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Fox
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childhood home, watch the moonlight spread silver and slippery over the lake, and make love under a blanket. Meet her family, too, have them come to the lake house and celebrate holidays. Mingle loved ones, spend long summer days with everyone he cared about and cold winter nights curled up close.
    Yeah. He couldn’t wait.
    “I’m happy for you, man.” Andy reached across the table and slapped his shoulder. “Lisa is going to freak. Seriously. She’s going to murder us all when she finds out I met the girl you finally fell in love with before she did.”


    “Come back to my place. ”
    Ash had asked three times in as many minutes since he’d brought her home after spending the night at his apartment. Liz shook her head despite the wet, persuasive kisses he plied to change her mind.
    “Can’t. Have to study.” She didn’t refuse him often, and he wasn’t playing fair by tempting her. He eased away from where he trapped her against his bike to give an apologetic smile.
    “Okay, beautiful. I understand. School’s too important, and I’m being a selfish bastard. Sorry.”
    “Later,” she promised, giving him one last kiss. “Maybe tonight.”
    He groaned with dramatic flair, drawing a laugh from her as he’d intended. Liz escaped his roving hands and slid onto his seat of the motorcycle. She joked around by making vroom-vroom noises, and he chuckled as he slipped into the spot behind her, reversing their usual positions.
    “Will you teach me to drive?” she asked, both hands on the grips as she looked at him over her shoulder.
    He settled her more snugly into the crux of his thighs, rubbing and pushing lightly against her ass. Easing forward until he covered her with his body, he put his chin on top of her head, hands over hers on the grips, and she leaned back with a sigh of contentment.
    “Sure. But not right now. Maybe tonight.” His lips brushed over her cheek and placed small, sucking kisses along her neck to her jaw.
    “Definitely tonight,” she agreed, head lolling back on his shoulder when he slid his hands along the sides of her breasts and down her sides to rest in the dip of her waist. His fingers tickled along the bare skin above the waistband of her jeans and then curled and stroked just below.
    Liz moaned a soft, breathy exhalation when he rocked his hips, but the front door opened and doused his craving like a bucket of cold water. Gina stood on the front porch, frozen on a step halfway down and staring at them. A scowl narrowed her eyes as she descended toward the drive.
    “For fuck’s sake, you two.” Gina stopped next to the bike with her hands on her hips. “You have to do that out here in front of the house?”
    “Do what?” Liz tried for innocence, but Ash’s hands tightened on her hips when she would have slid off the bike.
    “Um, you might want to stay where you’re at for a second, beautiful. Otherwise, Gina’s going to get an eyeful of what exactly we were doing.” He cast a rueful glance down at his lap and held her against his still-fierce erection.
    Gina threw up her hands and stomped toward her car. “You’re an asshole.”
    “Why are you the asshole?” Liz wondered, and Ash just snorted.
    “Don’t wait up for me,” Liz called to Gina as she pulled out past them. “I’m heading over to Ash’s after class tonight.”
    Gina waved her middle finger out the window.
    “Well, we’ve cemented your place on her shit list.” Liz turned and gave him a solid, searching kiss. “She’s so jealous.”
    Ash broke away with raised brows.
    “Oh, like I didn’t figure that out from day one.” Liz got off the bike and waved her hand airily. “But she can bitch and pout all she wants. I’m going to be the one taking care of this tonight.”
    She palmed him through his jeans, and he grunted at the unexpected but not unwelcome touch. “And every other.”
    “Got to go,” she whispered against his lips, kissing him again despite her

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