Ash: Rise of the Republic
rapture, it’s geology. A fucking volcano erupted. You
crazy son of a bitch, you can’t go around slaughtering people and
tearing up our infrastructure because you’ve been off your meds for
too long!”
    “Non-believers have frequently blamed divine
revelation on mental illness. I can assure you that is not the
issue here. My mandate is very real. I’d love to sit down with you
and take you through the facts.” His smile began to fade.
    “There are dozens of religious people
standing behind me, not one of them has started killing sinners or
hallucinating angels. They know this is a natural disaster. They’ve
been doing the Christian thing and helping their neighbors. We
don’t want any trouble, but don’t take that as a sign of weakness.
If you threaten us believe me we won’t hesitate to sweep you off
our porch. Please just go.”
    “Brother, you don’t seem to understand. Your
houses represent the corruption of man. I am bound by my Mandate to
destroy them, brick by brick. I am merely offering you a chance to
join us and guarantee yourselves an eternity in paradise.” His
jovial tone was gone now. His voice was still loud, but there was a
grim tremor in it.
    “Well shit, if you put it like that…” I gave
him a sudden smile, my turn to be jovial. “Maybe we could work
something out. Can you give us a couple days to talk things out
amongst ourselves?”
    “Of course, Brother! Nothing would give me
more pleasure. I know you’ll make the right decision. The reward is
too great to pass up! We shall return in two days time.” He said,
cheerful again. He turned to go. When he opened the door to the
truck, I saw a familiar face sitting behind the passenger seat.
    “Reverend, wait!” I called out suddenly.
    He turned back with knowing smile. “Have you
chosen the right path so quickly Brother?”
    “Not a chance.” I pointed at the small
figure behind him. “That little brat in the backseat is a murderer
and a thief. He needs to answer for his crimes. For that matter,
one of the things he stole was the very truck you’re riding in.
Justice needs to be served if you want us to join us. The little
shit killed four innocent people in cold blood.”
    “You can see him too?” His mouth was hanging
open in shock. The boy leaned over to whisper in his ear. “Ah I
see, the Angel has shown his form to you so that you might more
easily repent and join our cause. You are mistaken sir. This boy is
the physical manifestation of the Archangel Zadkiel. It is he who
appeared to me, bringing gifts of food and transportation from
heaven. With his help I have recruited my fellowship. The so called
‘crimes’ you accuse him of were all part of God’s intricate plan.
The souls of those sacrificed sing with the Heavenly Hosts now. I
bid you farewell. God be with you Brother, may he guide you to the
path of the righteous.”
    With that he slammed the door of the truck
and the column rolled away, slowly disappearing around a bend.
    I spun around in fury and marched straight
through the gate. I gestured at those who had gathered there to
follow me.
    “Everyone to the Meeting House as soon as
possible. Leave a few sentries, we can fill them in later.” I said
as I passed them.
    Once my neighbors had settled in to the
ranks of chairs we had arranged in the living room, I called the
meeting to order.
    Mike perked up first, “You’re not actually
considering joining them are you?”
    “Don’t be ridiculous, I just wanted to buy
some time. He looked like he was ready to give the order to attack
right then and there. But while we’re on the subject, we need to
get something clear right now: I need to know if anyone is
harboring any doubts about this. If you didn’t overhear our
conversation, I’ll give you the gist: This psycho thinks he was
left behind after the rapture to clean up the earth so that god can
build a new kingdom or something. He’s offering salvation to anyone
who joins him. Now you know I’m not

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