As Time Goes By (The Californians 2)
to swim in the ocean and I really enjoyed it."
    The remainder of the conversation was relaxed and it wasn't long before everyone was finished eating. There were more than enough hands to help in the kitchen, so Bobbie followed Marcail outside to the swing. It was cold, but the gifts bundled into their warm coats and hoped it wouldn't rain.
    "I'm freezing, Marcail," Bobble called to her after the nine-year-old had the swing high in the air. "Did you want to go in pretty soon?"
    "Let's go to the barn. It'll be warmer in there." Marcail worked the swing down to a gentle glide and jumped the few feet to the ground. She and Bobbie hurried toward the barn.
    "Oh, this feels heavenly," Bobbie exclaimed as the
    warmth of the barn enveloped her.
    "Let's go up to the loft."
    "I really don't think I want to climb that ladder." Bobbie said the words apologetically and Marcail didn't press her. Instead the two flopped into a stall filled with fresh hay. Reclining like princesses, they talked like best friends. They had been in the barn for about 20 minutes when Marcail heard her name being called.
    "That's Katie. I've got to see what she wants. Don't go away." Marcail was up and running in the next second, slipping quietly out the barn door that stood ajar.
    Bobbie removed her glasses and rubbed her nose. She felt something poking her in the leg and stood to adjust her position. But a moment after she stood she felt her glasses slip from her cold fingers. Not wanting to step on them, Bobbie stood immobile, then knelt carefully and began to feel along the ground.
    A well-known feeling of frustration rose within. To be so dependant on a pair of wire rims filled with glass was at times more frustrating than Bobbie felt she could
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    endure. But whenever these thoughts came to mind, a Bible verse came with them.
    It was 1 Corinthians 10:13, and Bobbie knew it by heart: ',There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able, but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it."
    The temptation, Bobbie knew at the moment, was the fact that she was about to blow her stack. Instead she prayed.
    "I need Your help, Lord. I can't see, and that always scares me a little. Please send Marcail or someone out here to help me before I panic." Bobbie carefully sat back down in the hay. She felt around her coat and the hay surrounding her, but stayed where she was. She always caught the worst trouble when she moved.
    The barn was feeling quite chilly when Bobble finally
    heard someone enter.
    "Who's there?"
    "Where are your glasses?"
    Bobbie sighed at the sound of her brother's voice. "Hi, Troy. They're in front of me somewhere. Be careful where you step."
    "I'll light a lantern." It was Jeff's voice but Bobbie didn't greet him. This was the second time she'd had glasses trouble since she got back. Why did Jeff have to witness both episodes? Bobbie found it humiliating.
    'That's just your pride, Bobbie, and you know it,' the stranded woman rebuked herself, and waited while the search began. They were of course in plain sight to anyone who could see, and it was only a minute before Jeff said he had found them.
    're they broken?"
    "I'm afraid so. It's the same place as before, though, and not the glass."
    "Dad might have something with him, Bobbie. I'll
    take these to the house. Are you okay where you are?" "Sure. Thanks, Troy."
    Bobbie wasn't all right where she was. She was cold and feeling a little lost without her sight, but she didn't want Jeff to know that. After listening to footsteps exit ing the barn, Bobbie brought her knees up and wrapped her arms around them. Her breath came out in a gasp when she heard feet on the floor very near her.
    "I'm sorry, Bobbie," Jeff's voice was pained. "I thought you knew I was still here."
    "That's okay," Bobbie's voice shook.
    Jeff could see that it

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