Arresting Developments

Arresting Developments by Lena Diaz Page B

Book: Arresting Developments by Lena Diaz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lena Diaz
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feelings he’d created inside her. She was just as eager as he, touching everywhere, stroking, petting, caressing until she felt she’d die from the pleasure of it.
    And then he moved above her, looking deep into her eyes as he poised himself at her entrance and laced his fingers with hers above her head. He leaned down, slowly, oh so slowly, and gave her the sweetest kiss ever as he pressed inside her. It had been so long, too long, and she tensed against the invasion. But he whispered reassuring words in her ear, then made love to her mouth with his lips and tongue in rhythm to the movements of his hips, capturing her gasps of surprise and pleasure. She relaxed beneath his sensual onslaught and was soon just as frenzied as him, straining toward the next peak, riding the sensations higher and higher until an explosion of pleasure shot through her and she cried out his name.
    He soon joined her in his own climax and collapsed against the mattress, rolling to his side with her in his arms.

Chapter Nine
    Dex put away the last frying pan and plopped the dish towel on the countertop as he eyed Amber washing the kitchen table.
    She glanced up at him, then quickly looked away, her face heating to a pretty shade of pink that wasn’t actually so pretty since he knew why she was blushing. She’d barely been able to put together two words since they’d woken up in each other’s arms this morning. What he didn’t know yet was whether she regretted making love with him or whether she was just being shy because she was so inexperienced.
    He winced. How many lovers had he had over the years? A dozen? Maybe more? And if he guessed right Amber had probably had only one lover other than him. And the only reason he figured she’d even had one was because she wasn’t a virgin. He’d taken her boldness at the beginning of the evening as a sign that she was comfortable with what they were going to do, that she wanted him as much as he wanted her. Now he wasn’t so sure. Regrets? Yeah, even if she didn’t have any, he sure as hell did. He knew better than to take advantage of someone as innocent as her. In the light of day, knowing her future was so uncertain right now, he felt doubly like a heel, as if he’d really taken advantage of her when he should have been protecting her from the harsh world that her aunt certainly didn’t care about protecting her from. Amber had no one in her corner. He should have been her champion, should have been strong enough to say no when she came to his room. He swore beneath his breath.
    Amber jumped and turned, her hands clutching the damp paper towels that she’d just used to clean the table. “Something wrong?” she asked, her gaze darting to the back door as if expecting to see another intruder.
    He shook his head. “No. Sorry. Just thinking.” He glanced at his watch, then at the dark clouds hanging in the sky. “It’s closer to lunchtime than breakfast, not that you can tell with the clouds blocking out the sun. I imagine Garreth will call soon to give us an update on the case.”
    She tossed the paper towels into the trash can beneath the sink and shut the cabinet. “You don’t think the medical examiner would really have something to say already about my grandfather do, you? Won’t he have to run tests?”
    He shrugged. “Can’t say for sure. I’m no expert on things like that. But I’m hopeful it won’t take long.” As much money as he was paying his lawyer to encourage him to speed things along any way possible, he’d be surprised if it took long at all. Garreth could work miracles, and Dex made a point of not asking how he did it. Most of his lawyer’s tactics fell into a need-to-know category and Dex figured he didn’t need to know. Plus, in this case, his lawyer had already told him that “samples” had been taken and preserved from the original autopsy, so the testing had begun last night courtesy of a private lab in town that had been generously encouraged to work

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