Around the Way Girls 9

Around the Way Girls 9 by Ms. Michel Moore Page A

Book: Around the Way Girls 9 by Ms. Michel Moore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ms. Michel Moore
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this one; charges will be pressed if you don’t get off of our property!” Trying to slam the door, I wanted Shawntay to crawl back under whatever rock she’d just crawled from under.
    â€œYour wish will come true sooner than you think. The grave you’ve been digging for me since the nineties is almost six feet deep.” Shawntay dropped her head, seeming weaker than I’d ever seen or heard her. Over all the years of her cursing me out, I’d never heard her voice so low. “I was diagnosed with HIV-AIDS a few years ago. I only came here to ask you to help patch up my and Shannon’s relationship before I die.”

Chapter Ten
    â€œHold on, Marie, slow down. What’s going on? Who is there?” Butter was showering, it was just past seven in the morning, and I’d just gotten done going over the itinerary for today’s schedule of meetings. I’d stroked her sleep then woke her up with my stiff pink penis in her mouth so of course until Marie’s call I was gliding on cloud nine. My plan had been to hit Bare Faxxx for another afternoon of Butter’s loving once the business part of my day had ended. But of course family drama was throwing daggers in all of my preconceived plans.
    â€œI’m at your parents’, they’re arguing, no one will tell me much of anything. I just know me, Josh, and Jill walked up on your dad fussing with a black woman. Can you come home? Please! And where have you been? Why haven’t you been answering any of my calls?”
    â€œWhy are you at my parents’? Get the twins and go home. I told you I was staying at the hotel to get some work done, Marie. You know your father has a slew of meetings planned all day and tomorrow. I can’t come home just yet but stop worrying yourself over my parents’ drama.” In the back of my mind I knew the black woman Marie probably saw was a mistress of my father’s. He liked to act like his temptation and dirty desires were repressed but me being just like him, I knew better.
    â€œPlease try to make time. I’ll get the kids and head home.”
    â€œDon’t worry, Marie; for you and those kids you know I’ll try.” Hanging up the phone I knew I’d just lied through my teeth. I didn’t have any true intentions of going home maybe the whole weekend. If Butter would give me my way, she’d be laid up in this room all night playing a sex slave to me.
    â€œOkay, Jay, don’t forget you promised to call me after your slew of meetings.” Butter appeared from the bathroom with the hotel’s white fluffy robe on.
    â€œDon’t worry; you’ll be seeing me after those meetings. Save a VIP room for me.”
    â€œAren’t we the big spender.” She smiled, placing a kiss on my slender lips. “Even though you worked me over last night, my rates still stand.”
    Winning me over with her smile, I was falling hard for Butter in the worst way. I didn’t care about how Marie felt, my father’s disapproval, or my mother going bat-shit crazy because I was risking our family’s financial stability for a stripper; this one seemed special enough to go on the wild ride with.
    â€œSo why are you rushing out of here?” I could’ve paid for any pussy I wanted to. I craved hers.
    â€œI promised a friend we could meet up for breakfast.” Grabbing the hotel lotion from my open suitcase, she started rubbing it all over her body, making my dick stand at attention.
    â€œA friend at seven in the morning? Must be some special friend.” I didn’t like to be turned down, plus the prize I’d been paying into wasn’t getting ready to be given to someone else. I’d paid enough cash into Butter to own her as far as I was concerned.
    â€œIt’s not like that, sweetheart. He’s the DJ at the club. We’re just grabbing a bite to eat so he can fill me in on all the drama that went

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