completely alien to him. It was just as funny to see Hillary having difficulty negotiating her way through a subway turnstile in New York City with her Metro Card, when she was pretending that she was just like other New Yorkers. But these amusing episodes raise an important question: Do we really want a president who has no idea what is going on in the real world? Because that’s what we’ll be getting if Hillary is elected.
    She doesn’t have a clue about the world outside of work and campaigning; it doesn’t exist. For at least the past two and a half decades, she’s relied on taxpayer-paid employees to take care of her every whim 24/7. She’s a high-maintenance lady who has always required umpteen assistants to get her through the day, providingfor everything from childcare for Chelsea to personal shopping. Nothing was ever too mundane to assign to government workers.
    Hillary lives in a protected bubble, immune to the daily challenges that most of us encounter, unable to perform the simplest tasks on her own, and completely unfamiliar with the routine encounters of the “everyday Americans” she claims to represent. She lives a life of privilege and entitlement, but that very lifestyle makes her singularly isolated and unqualified to represent the voters who make up the other 99.9% of the economy and have nothing in common with her. She doesn’t know them and she cannot empathize with them. After she left the White House, her circle of attendants followed her to the Senate, and then to the State Department. After that, her personal entourage moved on with her to the tax-exempt Clinton Foundation and/or her campaign, where they still loyally—and royally—serve her. If she’s elected, they’ll follow her back to the White House. Part of their job has been to keep the real world and the real people at bay. And, they’ve succeeded. Hillary is isolated from the real world and doesn’t get how the rest of the world lives. In a recent debate, for example, Hillary was told a story by a worried woman whose family health care premiums had increased significantly under Obamacare, causing a serious hardship for her family. Hillary, still covered by government paid health insurance, suggested that the woman shop harder and keep checking the exchange for better rates. 78 That was her response. No criticism of Obamacare, no empathy for the woman’s situation. Just shop better. Is there anyone besides Hillary who thinks that’s the solution? Shop harder?
    Hillary does not have the routine experiences that the rest of us do. Unlike most people, she hasn’t driven a car for the last twenty-four years. She doesn’t need to. Her lifetime Secret Service protection includes a car and driver and, of course, insurance and maintenance. No need to stand in line at the Department of Motor Vehicles like the rest of us. As frustrating as that experience may be, it’s an equalizer. Everyone is the same. Take a number and wait. But Hillarydoesn’t ever have to wait. It’s always taken care of for her by the innumerable civil servants and paid employees at her beck and call.
    And we, the taxpayers, foot much of the bill. By the way, Bill has the same perk, so they have two free, perfectly maintained, chauffeured cars available to the family. Their twin black extra-large SUVs came in handy when Chelsea came home from the hospital after giving birth to Hillary’s granddaughter, Charlotte. After the family photo op outside the hospital, Bill herded everyone to the awaiting government-paid, chauffeur-driven SUVs, and they all piled in and headed home. And of course the Clintons don’t have to worry about burglar alarms and security at their DC and Chappaqua homes. Again, the Secret Service handles that, and we pay for it. And there’s no issue of lost keys: the 24/7 guards make locking the doors unnecessary.
    Hillary doesn’t even shop for food or clothes. Her e-mails show that Huma Abedin, her longtime personal assistant in the

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