Archer, Jane

Archer, Jane by Tender Torment Page A

Book: Archer, Jane by Tender Torment Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tender Torment
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    But she never finished, for his heavy hand came crashing down across her face, knocking her to the soft, damp ground.
    "You dare call me a fool, you little slut. I'll just show you what kind of man I am," Sully growled as he began to unbuckle his pants.
    "Leave me be," Alexandra moaned, unable to move.
    Cursing, Jake leapt from Caroline's bed. He quickly donned his pants, and as he rushed from the room, Caroline called after him, "You heard. She's a whore. There's no need to protect her. It's what she wants."
    But Jake was already halfway down the stairs when she finished her words. Caroline began hurriedly dressing. Jake was hers and she intended to fight for him.
    Jake took the stairs two at a time, fury driving him in coldblooded determination. Sully was just pulling Alexandra's gown up, exposing her long lovely legs, while she whimpered, hitting out at him helplessly, as Jake rushed up to them.
    "What the hell are you doing, Sully," he demanded, his voice deadly as it broke the still, island night.
    Sully jerked around and was on his feet in an instant, ready for Jake. He knew this was an opponent to reckon with for he had seen him fight during the war. But Sully wanted the girl and he intended to have her.
    "I'm taking what's mine, Jake. It's none of your affair. Go back to Caroline. You're the one she wants tonight. I've got a right to take my pleasure where I can."
    "You've got no rights where Alex is concerned, Sully."
    "Listen, big man, you don't carry no weight around here. This girl's mine. She's a whore. You don't want her."
    Jake struck Sully full in the face with his fist, catching him by surprise. Sully went down heavily, and when he began feebly trying to get up, Jake put his foot on the man's broad chest. "Stay down, Sully, if you don't want more of the same. I'm taking Alexandra with me. Don't try to follow. She belongs to me and don't you or any other man forget it."
    Jake took Alexandra's hand, jerking her to her feet, then pulled her behind him. She ran, stumbling after him as they quickly crossed the mansion's plush lawn. Just at the edge, where the native island growth began, Alexandra looked back. Sully was angrily getting to his feet, and Caroline was now with him.
    Alexandra was glad to be getting away from them, but she was not very sure of Jake either for he pulled her roughly into the thick underbrush of the island, having little concern for her thin slippers and sheer gown.
    They plunged deeper and deeper into the dark, dense vegetation, and she fought the clinging vines and clutching brush as she half ran to keep up with Jake's long strides. He was not hampered with a full skirt that threatened to be torn off at every turn, she thought angrily. She tried to pull her hand free from his grasp, but he only tightened his grip, jerking her along. She stumbled, almost losing her balance, then caught at his back with her free hand to steady herself. Why couldn't he slow down? Surely they wouldn't be followed. Her breath was coming in gasps now. There were pebbles in her slippers and her feet hurt with every step. Would he never stop?
    Finally, after what seemed an endless time, Jake halted, and she collapsed at his feet. Exhausted, disheveled, dispirited, Alexandra hardly cared what happened to her next. She just wanted to rest.
    Jake knelt beside her, saying softly, "It's all right now, Alex. They won't follow us here, and the ship's not far away. We're all alone. You're safe."
    Trying to control her ragged breathing, Alexandra looked up into his face made sharp and angular by the moonlight, and did not feel at all safe alone with him. In fact, she suddenly became very aware of his body so close to hers, his bare chest with its thickly matted hair, his hands coming toward her, touching her arms, pulling her towards him. And she was incapable of fleeing. He pulled her to her feet, putting his arms around her, pressing her against him, giving his warmth to her. His body was hard, muscular, lean.

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