Apocalyptic Visions Super Boxset

Apocalyptic Visions Super Boxset by James Hunt Page A

Book: Apocalyptic Visions Super Boxset by James Hunt Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Hunt
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Southwest isn't the only portion of the country suffering from water shortages. The natural resources of our nation are dwindling drastically. It is because of this that Congress proposed a new but radical bill to ensure our great nation continues to survive.”
    It was probably nothing more than further restrictions, but Ms. Fletcher wondered where they would pull the water resources from. Northern California must still have some water reserves coming from the Northwest.
    “The states of California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico are henceforth no longer a part of the United States of America. The new western border of the United States will run along the current borders of Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, and Wyoming then run up into Idaho and Oregon. All authorities have been notified of this bill, which was passed in both the House and the Senate, and which I signed into law just moments ago.”
    The book fell from Ms. Fletcher's lap and onto the floor as she rose from her chair. She shuffled forward in shock from what the president had just said. The president she had voted for.
    “Patrols have already begun along the border, and any man, woman, or child from these former states that tries to cross into the United States will be considered an illegal immigrant and deported back across our western border. Furthermore, any citizens within our new borders that try and traffic any man, woman, or child from these now-banned territories will be punished to the full extent of the law.”
    This can’t be happening. They can’t do this. This isn’t right. This isn’t legal. This isn’t fair!
    “This was not an easy decision to arrive at, but sometimes the hardest decisions are the ones we must make. To all the former citizens remaining in the Southwest, remember that you hold your destiny in your own hands. I know that you will find the courage and ingenuity to live on. Form your own legislation and laws, but above all, keep each other safe. God bless us, and God bless the new United States of America.”
    The president's image remained on the screen for a few more moments then disappeared. The scrambled lines returned.
    Ms. Fletcher stood there slack jawed. Her silhouette was barely visible in the darkness of the living room. Then, outside her window, somewhere in the night, gunshots sounded. She clutched her chest, startled at the foreign noise.
    She withdrew further into the darkness of her house. They can’t just abandon us like this, could they? There must be someone doing something right now to fix it, right?
    More gunshots fired outside. She backed into the wall of her living room. Her fingers clawed at the plaster behind her. This wasn't how it was supposed to happen. The government was supposed to help her in times of crisis. It was their duty. It was their job.

    The crowds around a storefront in downtown San Diego watched the president's speech and lingered there for a few moments on the sidewalk after it was over. Some people shrugged and walked away, others started crying, but a few picked up rocks along the street.
    They grasped the pieces of stone firmly in hands that swung back and forth in a violent cadence. Their footsteps got louder as they ran to the storefronts and the cars that lined the road. Greedy eyes looked longingly at the goods through the windows of the stores.
    Finally, the first crash of glass broke the silence of the night, followed by hurried boots that crunched over the shards of glass on the ground. Sporadic echoes of similar crashes reverberated through the streets. Then, just as a thunderstorm starts with a only a few drops, a hail of stones, pipes, and fists rained upon downtown San Diego as the crowds morphed from spectators to participants in the frenzied rush of panic.
    Shouts and screams filled the streets. They were cries of anger and fear, pierced with sharp howls of pain. The police in the area half-heartedly tried

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