Apex Predator

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Book: Apex Predator by Glyn Gardner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Glyn Gardner
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re-animated corpse on top of him.  He had one hand around his father’s neck, and the other reaching towards Mike and Jen.  Mike reached for his pistol.  BANG!  It was the shotgun.  Theresa had fired first.  Stunned, Mike first looked at the teenage girl, then back to the fight.  Larry was on the ground howling in pain, blood pouring from several wounds in his neck and face.  Tom’s head had exploded and his lifeless body now lay across his son’s body, black blood pouring onto his son.
    “Oh Jesus!” cried Theresa.  “Larry!  I didn’t mean to shoot Larry.”
    Mike took two steps to cover the
    distance to the boy and his father.  He grabbed the pistol out of the boy’s waistband.  He aimed it at the wounded child’s head.  “Sorry Larry.”  BANG!  The boy stopped howling.
    “Go!  Get to the Tahoe,” he barked.
    Jen threw the lock and opened the door.  Theresa hesitated for a second.  She was still in shock from shooting Larry.  A large zombie was standing in the doorway.  Jen screamed in terror, backing away from the door.  The large zombie advanced on her, reaching for her as it did.  In her panic, Jen backed into Mike, knocking him to the ground and sending Larry’s pistol skittering across the floor.
    The zombie continued to advance on the two.  Mike crab walked backwards, trying to free his own pistol as he did.  Jen rolled left, towards the now lifeless bodies of the Landry family.  As the zombie passed the still stunned Theresa, it turned on her.
    “Theresa!” yelled Jen.
    At the last possible moment, Theresa kicked the ghoul in the chest, sending it staggering back a couple of steps.  She pumped the shotgun and shoved the barrel under the zombie’s chin.  BANG!  The top of its head exploded in a blackish-pink mist.  She pumped the shotgun again.
    “C’mon you guys.  We’ve got to go,” ordered the teenage girl.  She turned and exited the store room.  Mike and Jen got up, following the teen.
    “Grab the rifle,” Mike told her as he picked up the pistol.
    BANG!  Click-click, BANG!  Click-click.  Jen entered the front of the store, rifle at the ready.  Theresa had dispatched two more ghouls.  There were three more in the store, and another coming in through the front door.  Jen took aim at the closest zombie.  CRACK!  She hit it in the shoulder.  It stumbled backwards, but continued closing on the teenager.
    CRACK!  This time she struck the monster in the neck, severing its spine.  It dropped to the floor, unable to do anything more than open and close its mouth.
    By now, Mike had emerged.  BANG!  BANG!  BANG!  He dropped two more zombies, leaving the one closest to the door.  Theresa advanced on it, shotgun to her shoulder.  At about three paces, she pulled the trigger:  CLICK!  The gun was empty.  Fighting back panic, she began backing up.  Mike came from behind her, and dispatched the last monster in the store.  He handed her his .40 cal.
    “Here, give it back when we get to the truck.”
    They opened the front door.  There were three monsters between them and the Tahoe and a couple more that were closing on the store.  Mike took careful aim.  BANG!  BANG!  BANG!  BANG!  BANG!  The three monsters fell to the ground, for the final time.
    “Go!” shouted Mike.
    The three sprinted to the Tahoe in a macabre race with the living dead.  They reached the SUV, well ahead of those ghouls that were bent on devouring them.  Jen jumped into the driver’s seat, Mike the passenger seat, and Theresa in the back seat.  With a roar, the big Chevy came to life.
    “There are more shotgun shells in my backpack,” Mike told Theresa.  She rummaged through the rear of the vehicle as Jen gunned the engine.  Tires squealed as she fishtailed out of the parking lot.
    The Burger Joint
    SSgt Brown woke to the sound of gunfire.  It was pretty close.  It didn’t sound like
    M-16’s or any other military weapons.  That meant

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