Any Price

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Book: Any Price by Gail Faulkner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gail Faulkner
Tags: Erótica
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Gregory’s grievances. “They are there because I want them there. It is nothing that need concern you.”
    Lore doubted he could get rid of the brothers standing behind him. This connection with them made him more than their king, as Kenna was more than a queen. As far as he could tell, the brothers were now almost inseparable from the royal couple. Vaguely uncomfortable with that certainty, Lore didn’t have time to explore the concern. Kenna took priority.
    Her heart was heavy with the weight of Gregory’s ugly thoughts. The bitter feel of him added to her instinctive fear and made being in the same room with him a struggle she didn’t need right now. Frustration built in Lore.
    Accepting Gregory as a product of the old world these countries had fought so hard to preserve had given Lore a measure of tolerance for his pompous attitudes in the past. That tolerance was disappearing fast as Gregory appeared intent on making himself difficult.
    Gregory turned to Lore. “It seems the things that need concern me are dwindling fast, my lord. I hardly know where my interest should remain.”
    “Perhaps the business of governing is where your concern should be placed, my friend,” Lore murmured. His hand reached out to grasp Kenna’s as he spoke. Their joined hands rested atop the banquet table while the first course was served.
    Gregory’s eyes were drawn to that public display, as were most others in the room. He recognized a message when he saw one and a fresh wave of distaste washed over him.
    “I am not the only one who will be interested in the new arrangement of the table, my lord. Kindly remember that your choices influence others in ways you cannot know. I am not your enemy.” Gregory took a deep breath and continued. “I ask because I will be asked. Give me some way to respond that does not separate us as leaders of these two nations. Something that does not make it appear our relationship is unstable and there is perhaps a rift between the two of us.”
    Lore leaned back and regarded Gregory from beneath deceptively lazy lids. It was a disturbing sensation to be aware when someone was trying to deceive. Not really lying to him, but through Kenna Lore could feel the underlying emotions behind Gregory’s words.
    Right now Lore had to forcibly leash his first reaction to the knowledge Gregory had no idea he was broadcasting. It was evident that other Keepers could also feel Gregory’s real mood and were not as willing to conceal their reaction to it. Around the room there was a subtle shift, tension rose. Lore’s casual glance showed him a great number of men were focused on this exchange.
    “If anyone perceives a rift between us, it will not be because of what I have said or done. Your position is not in question, my friend,” Lore responded calmly, trying to quell Gregory’s headlong rush into insulting accusations.
    Unsatisfied with the way Lore sidestepped his probing on the true nature of the relationship between Lore and Kenna, Gregory countered, “Attention to the details of our lives is a national and international occupation. There will be questions raised by my countrymen over the seating arrangements this afternoon and evening. People take note of these things and are not as casual as those of us who love you and understand you place no importance on them. They will want to know who she is and why she sits where she does.”
    “At this point all you need tell them is that she is my guest,” Lore stated firmly. Again Lore did not respond to his questions in the manner Gregory wanted. Giving up the subtle approach, Gregory felt the need to clearly label exactly what position Kenna occupied and highlight the inappropriateness of her sitting here with decent people. “She has not been presented to the court, your highness,” Gregory continued in stilted, condescending tones. “Her position at present is not a complimentary one in the minds of decent people. Perhaps you would both be more

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