Another Deception

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Book: Another Deception by Pamela Carron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pamela Carron
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went back to the hospital where he found Frank still waiting for Jacks to wake up. Dwight arrived shortly after him and he relayed everything going on at Sang-mi’s house to them both with both agreeing that there was more to her death than was known.
         Frank in turn explained what the doctor told him about the shot Jacks had been given . It was an experimental drug, not approved by the FDA, which given in a high dosage causes memory loss and in some cases could put patients into irreversible comas. In Jacks case, he was not in a coma but in a deep sleep and would come out of it in time. The damage it may have done to his memory however could not be determined until he was awake.
         Cranford uttered a profane word and sheepishly apologized remembering Dwight was a minister. He was shaking his head when he asked,
    “But why, what good will that do anyone? As far as I know he did not know anything solid that could incriminate anyone…or did he?”
         His question directed to Dwight, who answered thoughtfully.
    “I am sure Asa is behind it for whatever reasons and it may be that he thinks if Jacks does not remember anything leading to what happened on the rooftop that night then he has another chance of converting him over. The question I have is why is it so important to him? Why not choose an easier mark?”
         Frank, listening with great attention, felt a twitching in his jaw and anger reflected in his eyes as he said with sarcasm,
    “I think I know, but I need to talk with Jacks before I am sure.”
       Dwight was concerned about Jacks but he wanted to go check on Honey. He had been told that she sustained much worse injuries than Jacks had and needed to be there for her until her crisis was over.
        He excused himself from the other two men and asked if they would let him know when Jacks woke up. Cranford told him,
    “I stopped and talked to the nurse on the way in and she said she was under heavy medication but was in and out. You go on. We will be here for Jacks. There is a guard coming to watch this room at least through the night, just in case.”
         After Dwight left, the two detectives discussed more in detail the facts of the day. Some they were not ready to share with him. It was Frank’s turn to ask,
    “Would you mind if I went off on my own for a bit? I do not think our man here will be waking before morning and there are a few errands I need to get done.”
    “Sure, go on. Charlie will be here soon for the night and after I go see Honey and talk to Dw ight a bit more, I am out of here too. See you tomorrow.”
         Frank nodded and walked out of the room. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper, opened it up gazing at the contents, he whispered softly,
    “Oh yeah, one errand in particular, that just can’t wait.”
      H idey went downstairs but after dinner was over and the dishes done, he made his excuses for an early night. Once in bed, he pulled out the novel and before he fell asleep at almost dawn, he had finished the book. It was not his usual kind of book to read but it was an interesting and intriguing book. At least it cleared up the mystery of why Jean was such an enigma to him.
        The reason he felt the connection with her was that he had seen this picture of her when he used the book to fix the wobbling leg of his bed frame. Now, maybe he could put her out of his mind and concentrate again on his work. In addition, he reminded himself not to forget to return the book to Romona’s collection.
         If only it was as simple as forgetting Jean, for the next day the object of his distraction appeared at their front door with all her hiking gear on and wanted to know if he would like to show her the special hiking trails she had not found yet. With Romona in the background smiling in her big way, he

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