Annihilate Me: Holiday Edition
matter to Tank?”
at all.   He could care less about
that sort of thing.   But it will
matter to me.   I want to knock his
socks off.”
got off the bed and went to my closet.   I pulled out a gift-wrapped package and brought it to her.   “Here’s one of my Christmas gifts to
you,” I said.
looked surprised.   “What’s this?”
Jennifer, you didn’t have to do this.”
don’t know what I’ve done.”
I do.   I know you as well as I know
myself.   Oh, God.   What have you done?”
on.   Open it.”
tore off the wrapping paper and looked at the box.   On it, it said “Prada.”
you remember that day?” I said to her.   “All those months ago?   When
I was invited to interview at Wenn?   You and I went to Prada and I bought a suit that I couldn’t afford.   You encouraged me to do so.   So in the spirit of that, here’s what I
found for you.   You deserve
something special from Prada.   Go
ahead—open it.”
did you get me?”   She opened the
box, saw the bright red material, and swooned when she pulled out the dress and
held it in front of her.   “Oh,
I have Louboutins to match.   You’ll
get those in a moment.”
at this dress.”
had to admit, it was something.   It
was a silk, A-line, full-length evening dress with beading at the throat and
off one shoulder at the neckline.   It was sleeveless and it had a long, dramatic train that Lisa could pick
up behind her and use it to flirt with.   The dress was so red, it was almost beyond red.   But red is what Tank liked on Lisa, so
red is what Tank was about to get.
don’t know what I’d do without you,” she said.
brought all of my jewelry with me,” I said.   “We’ll make sure you’re taken care of
there, as well.”
wonder if it fits?” she said.
your size, but I’ve already talked to Blackwell about it.   If it doesn’t fit exactly right, she
said not to worry—she has her share of tricks.   But you need to try it on now,” I
said.   “Otherwise, she won’t have
time to fix it if it needs to be fixed.   It’s in your size—that perfect size zero that I’ll never
obtain.   But with couture, you never
know, so Blackwell is prepared to play backup should we need her.”
is couture?”
not off the rack?”
fact, it’s not.”
speechless.   Let me try it on now.
get the shoes, then I’ll get Blackwell.”
so excited!”
until you see the necklace I have in store for you.   And the bracelet and the earrings.   Tonight, I want you to make an
entrance.   I want Tank in that
living room waiting for you when we’re serving champagne.   I want the anticipation to build.   I want him to see you when you walk into
the room, and I want to hear the gasps from the girls, whom we can rely on to
provide that.   This is going to do
it for him.   I promise.”
pulled it fully out of the box, stood, and held it in front of her.   “It’s so light.”
for you,” I said.
minutes later, Blackwell joined us in the bedroom and gave swift approval.   “It’s sublime,” she said.   “There’s nothing to be done.   Look how it fits here and here,
Jennifer.   Perfection.   And the train—she’ll have fun with
that.   The length is just right with
the shoes, which I have to say are marvelous, so I’m happy to see that you’ve
been paying attention and learning from me.   Lisa, turn so I can clasp the necklace
around your throat.   That’s right.   Oh, how pretty.   Look at how it dips between her
cleavage, Jennifer.   It might as well
be a glimmering arrow pointing at her boobs, which I assume is the point.   What man can resist that?   Now the bracelet.   Here—I’ll do it for you.   Lisa, stop trembling, for God’s
sake.   You’re going to

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