Anna Markland - Viking Roots Medieval Romance Saga 02

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Book: Anna Markland - Viking Roots Medieval Romance Saga 02 by The Rover Defiant Read Free Book Online
Authors: The Rover Defiant
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failed to conquer us, though they tried,” she replied proudly. “We never came into contact with Christianity for hundreds of years. Survival in a land as harsh as ours depended on everyone following the role set out for them by the gods.”
    Cathryn wiped Ida’s runny nose. “But if such had continued to be the case, Bryk and I could never have married.”
    Not wanting to discourage the girl further, she didn’t mention anything more of Bryk’s difficulties in accepting Torstein’s new station in life, though he was the one who’d freed him. She continued to pray he would one day find the right path as far as his nephew was concerned.
    “I am concerned for my loved ones fighting far away,” she said, glad of someone to share her torment with. “I barely know my twin brother, and if something should happen to him—”
    “Javune?” Sonja asked softly, her face reddening. “I confess I at first thought Torstein was your brother.”
    Cathryn patted her hand. “That dawned on me after the first meeting. Your confusion was understandable, given our similar coloring. However, Torstein is determined to return covered in glory in order to win you,” she said. “And you fret he will take unnecessary risks.”
    Sonja grasped Cathryn’s hand. “My brothers are still at the front, and I’m concerned for them, of course, but my biggest fear is what they might do to Torstein if they discover—” Her eyes filled with tears. “But you have concerns of your own. You miss your husband.”
    Cathryn smiled. “I do. And I don’t know how I’ll go on if he falls in battle. But I’ve had a recurring dream that he is well, and close to finding the land he wants.”

    Rollo had promised parcels of land to the victorious Vikings, and scouting groups fanned out through the valley of the River Orne as men sought the piece they wished to claim.
    He had hinted at his intention to appoint Bryk as Governor of this new area of Viking dominance. The search for the land he wanted hadn’t yet yielded results, but Bryk was confident Rollo would grant it to him once he found it.
    It rankled that Sven had been named as one of the men entitled to land, whereas Torstein had not, but the opportunity to speak to Rollo never seemed to arise, and what would he say anyway?
    Javune had turned down the opportunity of land in the valley with the excuse he intended to return to Rouen and settle there. It was perplexing, but Bryk ought to have known the lovesick youth would want to be close to Kaia.
    He resolved to endow his nephew with a portion of his own grant, otherwise he’d never hear the end of it from Cathryn. And he’d feel better too.
    One afternoon he and a group of warriors that included Sven, Torstein, and the Karlsens, urged their tired horses to the top of a gradual rise. Sonja’s brothers had taken to following Sven everywhere, insisting their future brother-by-marriage was obliged to provide them with the new shields.
    Torstein didn’t avoid the two men, instead flaunting his shield at every opportunity. It amused Bryk. The slave had become the master! He had something they wanted.
    They’d been riding for hours, and this would be their last hill before turning back for the main camp downstream.
    Two or three of the men, including Sven, had decided upon choice pieces of land they wanted to claim. Torstein had merely shrugged his shoulders when Sven had asked his opinion of the fertile slope he’d picked out, glaring at Bryk when he commented it was an excellent choice.
    Frits and Kennet had congratulated Sven heartily, commenting how impressed Sonja would be with his decision. To Bryk’s relief, Torstein had walked away, fists clenched.
    He understood his nephew’s torment, but was at a loss what to do about it. Having learned of Sven’s betrothal to Sonja, he now realized what stood between the two young men was more complicated than jealousy over land. Their rivalry for a woman didn’t bode well,

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