against the glass. Her hot breath clouded the image
of Jorges ravishing her neck with his teeth and tongue as he pounded into her
with ruthless abandon. If not for his arm banded across her chest, she was
convinced her heart was going to burst from her ribs.
Those nimble fingers of his slipped over her distended
clitoris, sending a bolt of pleasure up her spine and more cream to gush from
her pussy to ease his possession.
Oh shit. Her knees gave out. This was going to hurt in the
most delicious way. She was sky jumping without a parachute and the ground was
coming up fast.
Her orgasm hit her with all the subtly of a sledgehammer. A
veil dropped over her vision and fire erupted up her throat. Somewhere in her
mind she heard the faint cry of her name as Jorges’ cock hardened in her
rippling sheath, then kicked with his release. Each hot spurt of cum sent
mini-quakes through her body, drawn out by the irregular jerking of his hips.
Okay. This cinched it. Wherever Jorges wanted to take her,
she was on board. Her bags were packed and her ticket was punched. When did
they set sail?
Minutes, or hours, later, she found the strength to lift an
eyelid and realized her face was pressed to the glass and Jorges draped over
her like a cloak.
“Can’t breathe,” she wheezed past raw vocal cords.
“Sorry,” he slurred. When he stepped back, his cock slid
free, releasing the flood of their juices to spill down her thighs.
“Whoa.” She gasped. “That feels weird.”
“I like it.”
The rasp of possession in his voice and pure male
satisfaction in his smile as he stared at the slick skin had her muscles
clenching with renewed lust.
“Don’t look at me like that. I need a second to catch my
“One second. That’s all you’ll get.” He dropped a kiss to
her shoulder.
Adrenaline continued to pump through her blood as they took
turns washing up at the sink. Her body couldn’t decide if it was hot or cold
and her hands shook with the extra energy, making it difficult to tame the
strands of hair that fell free of the upswept hairstyle that had taken the
better part of an hour to create. And her dress…well, the look was perfect if
the fashion line was called recently fucked, especially when accessorized with
a monstrous hickey and lips swollen from her own teeth as she had restrained
her screams.
She rubbed at her neck. “Man, my throat hurts.”
“That’s because you wailed like a banshee.”
“I did not!”
“What? I can’t hear you.” He pressed his finger to his ear.
“You blew out my eardrum from all that screaming.”
“You’re exaggerating.” Flames licked her cheeks nonetheless.
“Do you think anyone heard us?”
“I hope so.” He trailed his fingertip over the burn. “It let
everyone know that I’m taking care of my woman.”
His woman. Damn, that sounded good.
“Maybe we can sneak out the back.” She took his hand and
opened the door. “Or maybe not.”
Gathered in the hall were a dozen wedding guests staring at
them with bugged-out eyes and slack jaws. If not for Jorges’ arm around her
waist, she would have dropped dead from embarrassment. As it was, it took all
her strength not to pee her pants and burst into flames.
“Okay, people, break it up.” Roxanne pushed her way to the
front of the crowd and flapped her arms. “Let’s give them some space. I know
this is the most exciting thing to happen all night, but move along.”
“Oh my God.” Miranda groaned. “My mother is going to kill me
when she hears about this.”
Roxanne laughed. “Something tells me it was totally worth
“Was it, Miranda?” Jorges asked with a smug grin as he
brought her hand to his lips for a kiss.
Ohhh. She could gaze at his man forever.
A smile burst past the embarrassment. “Yeah. It was.”
“I’m Roxanne.” Her friend cocked her head. “You wouldn’t
happen to have any brothers, would you?”
“I do, actually. Maybe we’ll have you over for
Winter Ramos
Grace Thompson
James Scott
Jan Tilley
Scott Monk
Cindy Williams
Steve Hockensmith
Finley Aaron
Dorothy Mack
Sean Williams, Shane Dix