Angel of Auschwitz

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Book: Angel of Auschwitz by Tarra Light Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tarra Light
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camp, they gathered intelligence and warned us of events taking place beyond the range of our sight and hearing. We were grateful to our animal friends for their devotion to our welfare and dedication to our healing mission.

Jezra Meets Boris
    C OMPLETING THEIR INSTRUCTIONS, THE pair of crows flew away. Jezra returned to play her game of make-believe. As she looked again at the neat rows of precious stones, she gasped in surprise. She saw another black feather, straighter and taller than the other, standing at attention across from the first feather.
How can this be?
she wondered. As Jezra examined the new feather, she heard a kind of ethereal laughter. She looked around, but no one was there.
    “Ha-ha-ha,” she heard again. “Greetings, Jezra, artist child,” she heard in her mind. The crows had left. Who was speaking to her? A whirlpool of energy swirled in front of her. Slowly, the transparent form of a man began to emerge. He appeared to be stoutly built and in his mid-sixties. His gray hair was pulled tightly back, and he sported a handlebar mustache. He stooped forward, as if he carried a weight on his shoulders.
    The ghost-man picked up the feather and twisted it around and around. “I have been watching you, dreamer child. The crows speak to your imagination, and you listen. Natasza speaks to your heart, and you feel compassion. I have come to speak to your spirit-self. I am in spirit form myself, so it comes naturally,” he laughed. “I am Boris Brozinski.” He bowed humbly before the amazed girl.
    “Did you move that feather to trick me?” she asked.
    “Aha!” Boris winked at her. “And to get your attention. These feathers are a gift from our airborne allies. Dream children fly to heaven on wings of fancy. I am Natasza’s spirit guardian. I serve as the unseen captain of your team of healers. I can feel the bond of love shared by your sisterhood. Let the flame of love burn brightly in the chambers of your heart.
    “When you wish to call on me, whisper my name, or take a sacred stone and hold it in your palm.” With these words, the ghost disappeared from sight.

Boris and the Crows
    B ORIS MADE A NIGHTLY reconnaissance of the camp, entering every quarter, identifying those most in need. Then he communicated the results of his survey to the crows, who marked the locations of the sick and injured.
    In the morning the healer girls scanned the skies, looking for messages from the airborne allies. Some of the crows brought supplies they had foraged from the nearby countryside. They carried in their beaks small items such as twine or thread. The twine was used to wrap a splint for a broken bone. The thread was used to sew together rags to make compresses. The birds also gathered herbs of the field and the leaves and roots of plants to be made into medicines and poultices.

A Doll for Talya
    A NIELA WIPED THE SANDS of slumber from her sleepy eyes. She looked out the window and welcomed the warming rays of the sun. As she greeted the new day, she saw a black crow fly by the window.
“Caw, caw,”
and then another
    “Natasza. Natasza,” she came to wake me. “Someone needs us. Two crows flew by the window.”
    We ventured outside and followed the two crows as they flew over rows of barracks. They landed on a rooftop, three barracks down and two over. The birds stood together, side by side, on the edge of the roof, awaiting our arrival.
    Gingerly I opened the door of the rundown building and walked in. Aniela followed me, almost on tiptoes. We saw a group of women gathered around the bed of a small child, perhaps four years of age. The little girl was sweating from fever. She was delirious. As she turned her head from side to side she cried, “Dee-Dee. Where are you? Dee-Dee.”
    I approached the woman standing closest to the child. Katerina was her name. “I am Natasza. Aniela and I have come to assist as nurses. What is the cause of her fever? And who is Dee-Dee?”
    Katerina was

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