Angel Love
“Baby, send the first customer
    “ April, no please I don’t
want any customers. This isn’t Vegas. Please don’t do it.
Do-o-on’t.” I watched in horror as she walked toward the door.
Randy began to play with my clit and nipples. He shoved a finger in
me and moved it around while his thumb strummed my nub.
    A man came in, his gaze fixed on me. He was
partially bald with glasses and a paunch. When he licked his lips
and started removing his clothes, I lost it, thrashing like a wild
    Randy stilled me with force. Holding me down
firmly, he whispered in my ear. “You can do this Angel. Remember
you are Angel. You had worse looking tricks than him in Vegas. You
are a whore and you can do this. It’s not his looks that count,
it’s his green and he’s paying two thousand dollars for the
privilege of inserting his puny cock in you for fifteen lousy
minutes. I will help you. I will protect you and April and I will
make sure you enjoy it.”
    Somehow, his little speech calmed me enough
that I begin to feel the erogenic sensations Randy was causing to
filter through me. April lowered her lips to my right more
sensitive nipple and began sucking on it, fingering my other nipple
in pleasure circles. Randy ran fingers through my hair and teased
my lips with his tongue. They made me feel good, very good, almost
good enough to forget the average looking dolt who was about to
fuck me.
    But I didn’t forget him. I tensed as I felt
John Doe kneel between my widely spread legs. “My, she’s a beauty.
The other pretty lady said I could eat her cunt first. I love to
eat cunt and this one is pristine.”
    “ Sure, Go ahead, but it’ll
cut into your time,” Randy volunteered, after pulling his lips from
    “ Thanks. I’m a fast cummer
anyway. Especially, on one like this. God, she’s
    “ And you get to eat and
fuck her, dive in.”
    My throat was dry and I was having trouble
breathing, but I managed to say one word, “condom?” breathily.
    I shivered half in disgust and half in
desire as I felt John Doe’s fingers splay my nether lips.
    I must not have spoken clearly, because
Randy laid his ear by my mouth and asked, “What?”
    As the man inserted a finger into me and
licked my clit, I repeated, “condom?”
    He raised his lips to my ear. “Don’t worry,
when he’s ready April will put one on.”
    And then Randy eased his tongue into the
crease between my lips.” His smooth tongue entered my mouth and I
sighed. As the man’s moist tongue reamed the rim of my warm, juicy
pussy, I ushered forth my delight with moans of pleasure. As if
responding to a mating call he returned my moans. I tensed once
more, not from dread, but from excitement as he shoved two thick
fingers in my feminine tunnel saying, “Oh, Angel. I love your tasty
crème.” Then after licking my swollen clitoris, his lips wrapped
around the nub and sucked on it, sending pleasure charges through
me. The man was quite good at cunnilingus and soon an ethereal haze
of lust descended over me from all the hands mouths and tongues
that serviced my erogenous zones. Unfortunately, as aroused as I
was, when my pay for love, lover, finally began to fuck me, he was
a man of his word and came in less than a minute—leaving me seconds
from an approaching climax.
    I felt so lathered, I could have fucked an
army and that is what the parade of gash hounds that April ushered
in to fuck me seemed like. I lost count at three, but I knew I’d
been fucked more.
    When the last john left, April removed the
cuffs, while Randy gave me a hot tongue down the throat kiss. “You
were wonderful,” he exclaimed as he shoved an envelop into my
    I sat up. “What’s this?”
    “ Your cut—six thousand
smackeroos. I’ll take care of April this time.”
    I stared at him. “Six…johns?”
    “ Ah-huh, how do you
    How do I feel. Cheap?
Used? I stretched my arms and smiled.
“Exhilarated! Like I did in Vegas. Did you notice I had

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