Angel Blackwood
because of what you see.” She looks troubled as she
looks back and forth between us. Axel gives me a pained smile that
tells me how grateful he is, but my words don’t mean shit since
she’s already made her mind up.
    “I’m so sorry, this is so hard… My wolf is
calling to yours, but I can’t. I just can’t be with you. I’m in
love with Tyler. He loves me, he’s perfect for me, Axel. We belong
together. You’ll find someone and she’ll be perfect for you.” Tears
start falling and her pretty makeup starts running down her face;
even crying she still looks so perfectly beautiful - I’m really starting to hate the word
    “You’re her!
You’re perfect for me, we belong together! The Fates say
so , Kate… We belong together.”
He’s begging her. His body begs her, his teary eyes beg her and so
do his strangled words. My heart hurts for him because I see the
moment she makes her decision.
    “I’m so sorry, Axel, but
I…” She looks at me, then back at him. “I… reject you!”
    Axel falls to the floor
clutching his chest crying out in pain.
    “I hope you find someone
that will love you, cherish you and appreciate you for all you’re
worth, Axel. I’m so sorry…” Kate runs past me sobbing as I run
towards Axel who is curled up on the floor.
    “You have to accept it.
Accept it and the pain will stop. I promise you.” I lean down on
the grass on my knees, placing my hands on his shoulders. He pushes
me away, causing me to fall on my bottom.
    “Don’t…promise…me shit!
You don’t…fucking know…what this feels like. Leave! Fucking…
leave…me alone,” he says through gasps, as he holds his chest with
ring covered fingers. His hair is no longer neatly combed over and
I can see the tears falling down his cheeks; my wolf can feel his
    I sit up again and place
my hand on his chest.
    “I do know. I
kno w that it feels like your
heart is about to burst and every little breath you take feels like
you’re swallowing a thousand razor blades. It hurts…I know it does.
Accept her rejection and it will all be over. I know your wolf is
telling you to fight it, but is she really worth it? You deserve
better, Axel. Accept the rejection and the pain will stop.” His
breathing is deep and the tears flow freely now. He looks up at me
and tugs me in for a hug, his enormous body enveloping
    I hear him
whisper over my shoulder in
the direction Kate went, “I accept your rejection.” It takes him a
few moments before he gently untangles himself and I wipe away the
tears from his face and smile.
    “You did good,” I
    “Who would
reject you?” H e asks in a
gravelly voice, as he wipes away my running makeup from the
previous tears I shed.
    “Apparently a
few would.” I give him a pained smile. “Even my second chance mate
just threatened me with rejection if I didn’t stop
‘ whoring
around’ .” I say using air
quotes. His eyes widen and his eyebrows crease in confusion. I
can’t believe I just told him that.
    “You’ve already found
your second chance mate?” He asks, frowning.
    “Mates, they’re twins,
and yeah I don’t think they want me. They’re under the impression
that I still have a second chance mate. They don’t know about my
first rejection.” He still looks confused,I let out a deep sigh and
attempt to explain.
    “You see… I was
dating someone when I met them and while we were spending time
together I fell in love with them. I cheated on my boyfriend and
made-out with both of them. ” His eyes bug
out and he gives another disapproving frown. I don’t know why I’m
explaining everything but I can’t stop the words from coming out of
my mouth. He looks so sad; maybe telling him how bad I had it will
brighten his mood.
    I raise my
hands in defeat. “Don’t you worry , I was punished for that misdemeanour and have to live
with those scars.” I cringe, shaking my head.
I stuck with my boyfriend even
though I told the twins I was

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