Angel Be Good
officer's face. "I expect you to do the job, or
I'll get someone in here who will."
    Nat sat straighter in his chair. Perhaps he
hadn't bought Walter lock, stock and barrel after all. Perhaps
Walter thought of the corporate insurance policy that virtually
assured him the slot as Nat's successor.
    "You'll back off or I'll have you arrested,
Coleman. I don't take this bull from anyone, and certainly no
panty-legged corporate yes-man." The officer ordered, in a voice
not to be argued with, "Back off."
    Rather than following orders, Walter grabbed
the officer's gun from his holster and darted toward the open door
into Nat's office. He shot wildly into the room.
    Nat heard a groan, then the camera moved
into his office, showing the scene that hadn't been visible from
the outer office. Smith clutched his left thigh with a blood soaked
hand. In the other, he checked to make sure the hammer was fully
cocked on his gun.
    "See you in hell, Danvers."
    He pulled the trigger.
    At the burst of the gun, Nat's computer
monitor simultaneously exploded, throwing shatters of glass into
the air like a hailstorm. Yelling, he flung himself over Daphne to
protect her from the shards and bursts of electricity that shot
into the air. Within seconds, the longest seconds he'd ever lived
through, the computer stopped spewing.
    Leonard took his place at the great table in
the Hall of the Angelic Council. The other angels seated about the
round table had guarded expressions on their faces.
    Only Gabriel smiled, his posture relaxed,
his brilliant white feathers glowing in the holy light. A number of
rolled up scrolls lay on the table in front of Michael, and he sat
intently reading one.
    Lines of worry creased David's face as he
suggested the meeting get started.
    Leonard unwound the scroll he'd brought
containing information about Daphne and Nat. He issued a silent
prayer that the Angelic Council would find it in their power to
help the young humans.
    "Please state your case, Leonard."
    "As you are aware, Daphne was sent to help
Nathaniel reexamine his past, prior to taking up her new life. At
the time the decision was made, the Council felt there was little
risk in this undertaking for Daphne would remain with Nathaniel for
only a few hours."
    Leonard cleared his throat. "Once again, I
fear the Council miscalculated."
    The great hall filled with voices,
resonating against the marble and echoing the sound with increased
volume as it bounced through the cavernous room.
    Michael stood. "Silence."
    Immediately, his word was obeyed.
    "Explain yourself, Leonard." Michael
regained his seat.
    "By throwing two healthy young people
together in close circumstances, with the facility to learn more
about each other due to the intensity of the mission, I am
convinced they've achieved what few mortals have. True love. A
binding of the souls." Leonard paused, waiting for their
    "How can this be?" asked David. "Nathaniel
is far from Daphne's ideal. She's a good child. I'm afraid the same
cannot be said for Nathaniel."
    "When they first met, that was true. But, by
the very nature of her task, Daphne has been instrumental in
reshaping and refining Nathaniel's core. She, in essence, evoked
all that was good and fine in Nathaniel."
    There was a mixed chorus of "hosannahs" and
"surely nots" from the angels at the table. Undaunted, Leonard
stood and continued. "May I remind you these were the very traits
that led this Council to choose to intercede on his behalf? In
doing so, and in learning the painful experiences that led
Nathaniel from his promising course, Daphne has fallen in love with
the new man he has become . . . As long as she is there to continue
with her guidance it is my belief their love will grow along with
their spiritual growth."
    There, he'd presented his argument. He took
his seat.
    As usual when Gabriel was worried, his wings
fluttered as if stirring the air would blow away the problem.
Silence reigned in the great hall. Gabriel's wings stilled.

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