Andy Stevenson vs. The Lord of the Loins

Andy Stevenson vs. The Lord of the Loins by Kage Alan Page A

Book: Andy Stevenson vs. The Lord of the Loins by Kage Alan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kage Alan
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sex, and it didn't suggest sex was expected, either. It was ... taking things slowly.
    "Are you okay?” I asked, concerned.
    "Yeah.” His voice was just a little over a whisper. “I was just thinking about all those stories I'd heard about Tristan, the things he does. I don't want to be a notch in somebody's bedpost. I want it to be special, but I'm a little scared."
    "Me, too.” Finally! Maybe there really was somebody out there who I could identify with.
    "There was a story I heard some people laughing about the other day. They said Tristan wrote about some guy who kept chanting his name and begging for more during—"
    "Let's not ruin the moment by talking.” I held him a little tighter.
    [Back to Table of Contents]


    I didn't dream that night. Heck, I don't even think I slept. Alan did, though, and he must have been a heavy sleeper to snooze through all the noises coming from the other rooms. Everybody else was busy having sex—everybody but us, and for the first time since I'd been at college, it didn't bother me. I didn't need sex at the moment because I had a human being snuggled next to me.
    Alan brought out a peaceful side of me that had been missing since Tristan brought out the beast. It never would have occurred to me to try and take advantage of Alan, but those damn noises ...
    Sleep was finally coming upon me, and it couldn't have looked or felt more inviting. I was flat on my back with Alan snuggled up to me on my right, the neighbors had orgasmed themselves out, the flannel sheets were comfortable and all was as it should be, which is, of course, when the first little snore exited his mouth. He wasn't loud, but then, he didn't have to be since his mouth was nuzzled up right next to my ear.
    I tried very gently to turn him over, only every time I pushed against him, his body responded by doubling its force back towards me. Alan wasn't about to go anywhere, even in his sleep. Was this my first look into his inner personality? Was he clingy or just stubborn? Either way, it struck me as, well, cute.
    Cute ended after fifteen minutes. I decided to be a bit more forceful and devise some way to turn him over so I could snuggle up and fall asleep. It seemed fair, only his unconscious didn't think so. The harder I pushed, the harder he pushed. I laid there and attempted to lull his unconscious mind into a false sense of security. Just when I thought he was completely at peace, I made my move. His body reacted the moment I tried it. Not only did I get pushed right back down where I'd been, but his leg came up, over and pinned me. Further, he sighed and I felt something wet trickle down my neck. Oh, charming. He'd drooled on me! What would he do if I did something he didn't like when he was awake?
    A thought occurred to me, and I wondered why Kendra never called and what would happen if she and Kim came down here in the morning and found us like this. I mean, it wasn't like anything major had happened. We were just two people getting to know each other, which is how I would expect it to be viewed if someone walked in. And ... well, okay, so we were in our underwear under the sheets, but it didn't mean that anything had happened.
    I couldn't help but wonder if I'd acted properly or improperly. I mean, just because he told me in not so many words that he was gay, did that mean I had to share my bed with him? Did I just ruin any chance of getting to know him better by adding even a small form of physical intimacy into the equation? I really would have just loved to live in the moment and not worry about anything; but now was as good a time to dwell on this as any, since I sure as hell wasn't getting any sleep!
    Finally, sometime around 5 a.m. or so, he opened his eyes and looked at me.
    "Good morning.” It sounded trite, but I had no idea what else to start with.
    "It's too god(mumble) fu(mumble) early,” he grumbled, glared at me and turned over.
    Did I miss something? Alan had been very

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